Question about rdoc (2.5.8)

The answer is probably ‘No! Why on earth would you want to do that?’
but, I have to ask. Is there an Rdoc directive that forces an
arbitrary line of Ruby code into the document?

I have this sort of thing in a Cucumber step_definition file:

When /this has to match/ do

When /this also matches “(.*)”/ do |x|

When /another match for (\d+)/ do /digit/

And I would like to just include the line beginning with ‘When’ into
the Rdoc file. However, I cannot seem to find any way of doing

I verified that the the file get processed by Rdoc because I added a
section statement and that shows up. But, the only way I have
discovered to get the desired lines into the document is to extend the
section to include a comment for each step definition, which is hardly

It seemed to me that the meta-programming comment tag (##) might work
but it does not. And, further, all the comments in the file that
follow the first blank line in the section portion do not get
included, so that I cannot even keep the step_definition comments
directly above the associated step_definition statements.

Any suggestions on how to deal with this are welcomed.

On May 10, 2010, at 13:25, byrnejb wrote:

When /another match for (\d+)/ do /digit/

And I would like to just include the line beginning with ‘When’ into
the Rdoc file. However, I cannot seem to find any way of doing

You’ll probably need to write a custom parser. The rdoc-rake gem has
such a custom parser for Rakefiles you could look at for an example.

directly above the associated step_definition statements.

Any suggestions on how to deal with this are welcomed.

Can you link to an example file you want RDoc to process?

On May 10, 7:34 pm, Eric H. [email protected] wrote:

You’ll probably need to write a custom parser. The rdoc-rake
gem has such a custom parser for Rakefiles you could look at
for an example.

. . .

Can you link to an example file you want RDoc to process?

Is a gist ok or do you need an actual file to download?

On May 11, 2010, at 09:17 , byrnejb wrote:

Can you link to an example file you want RDoc to process?

Is a gist ok or do you need an actual file to download?

the gist is fine. anything you can convey will work.

On May 11, 4:20 pm, Ryan D. [email protected] wrote:
you need an actual file to download?

the gist is fine. anything you can convey will work.

What I would like to see in the generated rdoc file from this is
something like:

cucumber_steps matchers

The following matchers are available

When /display the current page/ do

When /do log the sql/ do

When /visits? (?:an?|the) application URL/i do

tag for search: byrnejb

On May 11, 4:20 pm, Ryan D. [email protected] wrote:
you need an actual file to download?

the gist is fine. anything you can convey will work.

What I would like to see in the generated rdoc file from this is
something like:

cucumber_steps matchers

The following matchers are available

When /display the current page/ do

When /do log the sql/ do

When /visits? (?:an?|the) application URL/i do

tag for search: byrnejb