$ rails generate model Article
t.string :title
t.text :body
t.datetime :published_at
in the 20110408172635_create_articles.rb file?
And if “Yes”, why would they not show up in my editor?
$ rails generate model Article
t.string :title
t.text :body
t.datetime :published_at
in the 20110408172635_create_articles.rb file?
And if “Yes”, why would they not show up in my editor?
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El 9 Apr 2011, a les 01:11, Bruce W. [email protected] va
in the 20110408172635_create_articles.rb file?
Nope. In order to have them generated you need to specify them in the
command line:
rails g model Article title:string body:text published_at:datetime
Note that in the command line the name goes to the left of the type,
while in the modern DSL they read the other way around.
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