Question about plotting use Fxruby canvas

Dear all

I want to use the canvas in Fxruby to draw something like a circle.
Then I want to use mouse to control it like left click it and then I
can move it to somewhere. Also I want to achieve the function like if I
rightclick on some object, I want to delete it.

I can not figure out how to implement this. Could anybody help me?
Thanks in advance…


Hank G. wrote:

Dear all

I want to use the canvas in Fxruby to draw something like a circle.
Then I want to use mouse to control it like left click it and then I
can move it to somewhere. Also I want to achieve the function like if I
rightclick on some object, I want to delete it.

I’ve never seen anything like that (2D) for Fox (it would probably be
very easy in Tk).

You might want to ask this question on the Fox and FXRuby lists. If you
get an answer on the Fox list, it will probably be in C++, but it’s
usually not too hard to translate to FXRuby.

The lists are:

foxgui-users AT
fxruby-users AT

You probably have to sign up for them on the web sites, before you can