I’m new to RoR, and I’m confused on how nested views work. This is
what I have set up:
/views/store/product/edit.rhtml (and new.rhtml, list.rhtml, etc
created by scaffold)
/views/store/service/edit.rhtml (also created by scaffold)
So when I change the “master” page format in /views/layouts/
products.rhtml, it should be reflected on views/store/product/
list.rhtml, right? I added some links and “hello world” in but
nothing showed up. I went to view source on the ‘list’ page and I
don’t even see the or tags in products.rhtml. Of
course, modifications in the views itself is reflected correctly. I’m
wondering if I’m even doing this correctly. Any advice is
BTW, I generated scaffold like the following:
script/generate scaffold product store/products
script/generate scaffold service store/services
Thanks in advance.