Question about includes

I have three class,HotActivity, Activity和ActivityType

HotActivity and Activity is one to one association, Activity belongs to

in controller I code like this

@hot_activities = HotActivity.includes(:activity)

chrome will prompt me this

user: william
N+1 Query detected
Activity => [:activity_type]
Add to your finder: :include => [:activity_type]
N+1 Query method call stack

if I add like this

@hot_activities = HotActivity.includes(:activity => :activity_type)

it prompt this

user: william
Unused Eager Loading detected
HotActivity => [:activity]
Remove from your finder: :include => [:activity] activities:575
Uniform Notifier activities:587
user: william
Unused Eager Loading detected
Activity => [:activity_type]
Remove from your finder: :include => [:activity_type]

some one please help,

thanks in advs

HI william,

how exactly does chrome prompt that?

whats the view like?

is that the only line you have on your controller?

can you be a little more specific and post exactly what is the error you

all the best,


hi andreo, thanks for reply

answer you inline

On Sun, Feb 3, 2013 at 7:04 AM, [email protected] wrote:

HI william,

how exactly does chrome prompt that?

Uniform Notifier activities:551 http://localhost:3000/activities
user: william N+1 Query detected Activity => [:activity_type] Add to your
finder: :include => [:activity_type] N+1 Query method call stack
/home/william/work/lly/app/views/activities/index.html.erb:48:in block in _app_views_activities_index_html_erb___3943997569956187419_46069520' /home/william/work/lly/app/views/activities/index.html.erb:32:in _app_views_activities_index_html_erb___3943997569956187419_46069520’

line 48

        <li><div id="type"></div>类型: <%= %>

line 32

  • 类型: <%= %>
  • whats the view like?

       <% @hot_activities.each_with_index do |hot_activity, index| %>
        <div id="detail<%= index + 1 %>" class="detail cf">
            <li class="header">
              <%= link_to hot_activity.activity.title,

    activity_path(hot_activity.activity) %>

  • is that the only line you have on your controller?

    def index
    @hot_activities = HotActivity.includes(:activity)
    .where(“activities.status = ‘open’”)
    .order(‘start_at ASC’)

    @closed_activities = Activity.includes(:participants)
                                 .where("status = 'closed'")
                                 .order("participants_count desc")
    @hot_sponsors = User.includes(:created_activities)
                        .where("status = 'A'")
                        .order("created_activities_count desc")
