Question about image storage and relative paths

I’m writing a website with a feature that hosts images that people

Right now, relative paths works within on my Windows box. So
specifically, I’m able to call on
“public/images/somefile.jpg” and Rails/WEBrick understands that the
path is relative to the home directory of the project. This means that
“public/images/somefile.jpg” ends up referring to the absolute path

The problem is now I’ve pushed this out to a Linux box running
Lighty/FastCGI and I get the error Errno::ENOENT with message:

“No such file or directory - public/images/somefile.jpg”

I found that if I prepend the public with the actual path - so,
/usr/local/rails/SomeProject/current/public/images/somefile.jpg" then
the entire setup works.

Any ideas on the best way to approach this?

In particular, a couple ways to fix this:

  • Is there a method that returns the home directory of the app?
  • Is there a method which complements image_path and tells me the file
    system location of where a file should be saved?
  • Is there a switch to force Rails to understand relative paths?

Let me know if you guys have any ideas.

Thanks in advance!

(from Seattle, WA)


The constant  RAILS_ROOT always refers to your rails apps root dir.

So just make your paths like this:



On Jan 8, 2006, at 6:09 PM, Andrew C. wrote:

The problem is now I’ve pushed this out to a Linux box running
In particular, a couple ways to fix this:
(from Seattle, WA)

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Yakima Herald-Republic Newspaper
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