I would like to conduct an experiment with using BasicTX to send AM/FM
signal ( voice ) and have BasicRX to receive AM/FM signal.
Basically, a way to transmit voice and another way to receive voice
using USRP.
Do I need two USRPs for this task?
If I already have a USRP, is it true that I only need to buy one
BasicTX and one BasicRX only? Or do I need one more USRP in additional
to one that I have?
Also, do I also need to purchase two antenna?
I am also experimenting with FM signals .
I am using a single usrp for RX/TX
TVRX board is used for reception
Basic tx for Transmission.
I am running two programs simultaneously in gnuradio
i am using the wfm_receiver example program in GRC for RX and a fm
transmission code at terminal
Hope it solves some of your problem.
Woody D. wrote:
Discuss-gnuradio mailing list
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I am also experimenting with FM signals .
I am using a single usrp for RX/TX
TVRX board is used for reception
Basic tx for Transmission.
I am running two programs simultaneously in gnuradio
i am using the wfm_receiver example program in GRC for RX and a fm
transmission code at terminal
Hope it solves some of your problem.
you need to separate antennas for tx/rx
Woody D. wrote:
Discuss-gnuradio mailing list
[email protected]
Discuss-gnuradio Info Page
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Sent from the GnuRadio mailing list archive at Nabble.com.