Querying with Ruby date ranges


im stuck, im trying to do a find on a model with a date range where i
only have 1 date.

example something like

def self.date_range(posted_date)
date_range = find(:all, :conditions => { :received_date =>
posted_date…24.hours })
return date_range

basically i pass in the posted date from another object and get
responses back based on the responses where the response_date = the
post_date + 24.hours or something along those lines.

any help would be great, hopefully i explained it ok.


This should help:

Ruby handles date ranges as integers internally so it is a bad idea to
try that. You can do something simpler using the array syntax of

:conditions => [“received_date >= ? and received_date
<= ?”,posted_date, posted_date]

This will form the necessary SQL for the database query.

Mukund wrote:

Ruby handles date ranges as integers internally so it is a bad idea to
try that. You can do something simpler using the array syntax of

:conditions => [“received_date >= ? and received_date
<= ?”,posted_date, posted_date]

This will form the necessary SQL for the database query.

Or even better, “received_date between ? and ?”.


Marnen Laibow-Koser
[email protected]