Are the two following lines of code different in Ruby / Rails ( in a
*.html.erb) file.
<% if @forms.count != 0 %>
<% if @forms.count %>
@forms is an array of objects. Coming from “C” language development
background, i thought they should be the same. FYI, second code
doesn’t give any error but still gets evaluated to TRUE. I confirmed
by doing puts @forms.count in controller
Query 2
which one is preferred @forms. count or @forms.size @forms is an array.
@forms is an array of objects. Coming from “C” language development
background, i thought they should be the same. FYI, second code
doesn’t give any error but still gets evaluated to TRUE. I confirmed
by doing puts @forms.count in controller
They are different. in ruby, 0 has the logical value true (only nil
and false have the logical value false)
Query 2
which one is preferred @forms. count or @forms.size @forms is an array.
if forms is actually an array, forms.count doesn’t exist (but it does
if it is an association proxy, eg person.friends).
Thanks Fred.
so basically, I must use
<% if @forms.count != 0 %>
@forms.any? is slightly more idiomatic ruby
and about second point also, yes i got it through association only.
Also found that it doesn’t have count method.
The big difference is that count always makes an sql query (select
count(*) … ) whereas if the association is already loaded size just
returns the length of the array.
An Array instance can respond to both count and size methods. If
you use size the method with a counter
cache column on the has_many side, you can cache the total. For
example, you can do something
like this
Hi. Not sure where you got that from.
Loading development environment (Rails 2.3.2)
NoMethodError: undefined method `count’ for []:Array
from (irb):1
=> 0
An Array instance can respond to both count and size methods. If you
size the method with a counter
cache column on the has_many side, you can cache the total.
You can’t possibly mean an Array, because an Array doesn’t know anything
about going to databases or cacheing. An Array is just a list of stuff.
You might mean an ActiveRecord Association collection object, which
behaves a lot like an array, but also has some ‘magic’ ActiveRecord
behavior on it.
The fact that, as far as I know, there’s no actual class name for this
AR association magic collection object, makes things rather confusing, I
agree. I think it’s just some proxy methods singleton-added to an Array,
leaving us without a good name to call what it is, making things
confusing. Or if it really is a class, I don’t know what it’s called
cause it’s not mentioned in the docs. This is a kind of a-bit-too-clever
ruby hacking that Rails, IMHO, uses sometimes when it doesn’t really
have to, making things somewhat more confusing than they need to be.
<% if @forms.any? %>
is working and i believe it doesn’t have the penalty of SQL query
@forms.count won’t work because @forms will most likely be an Array
object, and an Array doesn’t respond to count… it’ll respond to
size, tho…
An Array instance can respond to both count and size methods. If you
size the method with a counter
cache column on the has_many side, you can cache the total. For
you can do something
like this
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :comments
class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :post, :counter_cache => true
Note: You would add the counter cache column on the posts table like
using a migration:
On May 30, 6:38 pm, Jonathan R. <rails-mailing-l…@andreas-> wrote:
behaves a lot like an array, but also has some ‘magic’ ActiveRecord
behavior on it.
The fact that, as far as I know, there’s no actual class name for this
AR association magic collection object, makes things rather confusing, I
agree. I think it’s just some proxy methods singleton-added to an Array,
leaving us without a good name to call what it is, making things
confusing. Or if it really is a class, I don’t know what it’s called
cause it’s not mentioned in the docs. This is a kind of a-bit-too-clever
ruby hacking that Rails, IMHO, uses sometimes when it doesn’t really
have to, making things somewhat more confusing than they need to be.
The classes in question are the various subclasses of
ActiveRecord::AssociationCollection (eg HasManyAssociation)
On Sat, May 30, 2009 at 10:38 AM, Jonathan R. < [email protected]> wrote:
You might mean an ActiveRecord Association collection object, which
have to, making things somewhat more confusing than they need to be.
In regards to a counter cache column, I’m referring to an
association as I indicated in my example.
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