Query help

Him I’m building a kind of auction application except instead of buying
and selling items, users can swap them with each other. I am struggling
with the syntax for the queries.
I have tables for items, auctions, bids and users set up as follows.

belongs_to :user
has_one :auction

belongs_to :user
belongs_to :item
has_many :bids

belongs_to :user
belongs_to :auction
has_many :items

has_many :auctions
has_many :bids

Bid has many items as I would like the user to be able to offer more
than one item in their bid, for example one user trades 3 items with
another user for 1 more expensive item.

I’m trying to find all auctions that the current user has placed a bid
on (I would like to display the item title of the auction).

At the moment I can only work out how to get the auction ID like so…

@bids = Bid.find(:all, :conditions => [“user_id = ?”,

Then in the view…

<% for bid in @bids %>

<%= bid.auction_id %>

Finally, how can I make the search unique? IE if the user has placed
multiple bids on one auctions, how can I make that auction appear only
once in the results?

I think I could work it out ok in SQL, but I have found it difficult to
find many resouces on ruby.

Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.

Dan S. wrote:

I think I could work it out ok in SQL, but I have found it difficult to
find many resouces on ruby.

Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.

You could always use find_by_sql and pass it whatever big nasty SQL you

Ah, I didn’t know about find_by_sql, thanks.
I think I have the query right now, but I’m still having a few problems
putting with the ruby syntax. Can anyone see the problem here? Thanks.

@bids = Auction.find_by_sql [SELECT * FROM auctions WHERE id = (SELECT
auction_id FROM bids WHERE user_id = ?, session[:user][:id])]

OK, I’ve got it to work, but only if I put in a literal value…
@auctions = Auction.find_by_sql(“SELECT * FROM auctions WHERE id =
(SELECT auction_id FROM bids WHERE user_id = 2 )”)

However, the following returns no results…

@sid = session[:user][:id] (@sid is 2)
@auctions = Auction.find_by_sql(“SELECT * FROM auctions WHERE id =
(SELECT auction_id FROM bids WHERE user_id = @sid )”)

Can anyone see what’s wrong?

On Mar 21, 2008, at 4:44 PM, Dan S. wrote:

@auctions = Auction.find_by_sql(“SELECT * FROM auctions WHERE id =
(SELECT auction_id FROM bids WHERE user_id = @sid )”)

Can anyone see what’s wrong?

Yes. But look at your log/development.log and it will tell you too.
You should have written:

@auctions = Auction.find_by_sql(“SELECT * FROM auctions WHERE id =
(SELECT auction_id FROM bids WHERE user_id = #{@sid} )”)

On Mar 21, 2008, at 7:54 PM, s.ross wrote:

(SELECT auction_id FROM bids WHERE user_id = @sid )")

Can anyone see what’s wrong?

Yes. But look at your log/development.log and it will tell you too.
You should have written:

@auctions = Auction.find_by_sql(“SELECT * FROM auctions WHERE id =
(SELECT auction_id FROM bids WHERE user_id = #{@sid} )”)

Hmm, I’d have expected that it would be better couched as:

class Bid
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :auction
class Auction
has_many :bids
class User
has_many :bids
has_many :auctions, :through => :bids

user = User.find_by_id session[:user][:id]
@auctions = user.auctions

or at the very least:

@auctions = Auction.find_by_sql(“SELECT auctions.* FROM auctions WHERE
auctions.id IN (SELECT bids.auction_id FROM bids WHERE bids.user_id =

Note the use of “IN” rather than “=”


Rob B. http://agileconsultingllc.com
[email protected]

On Mar 21, 2008, at 5:40 PM, Rob B. wrote:

@auctions = Auction.find_by_sql(“SELECT * FROM auctions WHERE id =
(SELECT auction_id FROM bids WHERE user_id = @sid )”)

Can anyone see what’s wrong?

Yes. But look at your log/development.log and it will tell you too.
You should have written:

@auctions = Auction.find_by_sql(“SELECT * FROM auctions WHERE id =
(SELECT auction_id FROM bids WHERE user_id = #{@sid} )”)

class User
@auctions = Auction.find_by_sql(“SELECT auctions.* FROM auctions WHERE
auctions.id IN (SELECT bids.auction_id FROM bids WHERE bids.user_id =

Note the use of “IN” rather than “=”


Perhaps I answered too narrow a question. The OP wondered why his
query was not returning the expected result set and it was because he
hadn’t used the string interpolation syntax (near as I can tell). As
you point out, there is a Rails way to solve the problem better.

Rob B. wrote:

user = User.find_by_id session[:user][:id]
@auctions = user.auctions

I’d just add:

@auctions = user.auctions.uniq