Query about GNU installation

I already installed GNU Radio after installing UHD drivers only. While
executing cmake …/ command, it’s showing all the blocks but when I
to open GRC, it shows very few blocks. For better understanding I
a screenshot of GRC.

My doubt is where did I install libuhd packets.?
If it was happened, how can I remove those libuhd packets? Please let me

As I am a beginner, please reply me clearly.

Thanks & Regards
B. Siva Kumar Reddy

Research Scholar
Department of ECE
National Institute of Technology Warangal (NITW)
Andhra Pradesh, India-506004
*09948065756 *

Hi Siva Kumar,

this looks like all the blocks are installed, but you were trying to
open a GRC flowgraph that was made for an old version of GNU Radio.
All the blocks used should still be there, but they have different
names, and therefore GRC can’t find them.

for example, the gr_sig_source is the signal source; you will find
modern versions of the blocks when you click the search button
(magnifier top right) and search for parts of the missing block’s name.
