Where can I download and how can I install qt4 qtruby on windows?
Thank you
Check out
for a few Qt implementations. In order to install some of these
bindings in Windows I believe you will need to have a compiler on your
system (e.g. - Cygwin, Borland, Microsoft), as they might not be as
straightforward as just running a Ruby install or setup script. Do you
have such a compiler?
I have Qt4.1.4 installed, MinGW as a C++ compiler, ruby 1.8.4 and
freeride as the IDE.
My problem is that I cannot find a qt4-rubyqt for windows.
please help me with this problem.
I want to hear someone who really programmed ruby with Qt on both win
and linux.
Thank you.
Not sure if the Windows version of Ruby Qt 4 bindings has been released
yet. The project page is http://rubyforge.org/projects/korundum/ and
Richard Dale is the man in terms of knowing the latest info. The last I
had heard the Ruby Qt 4 bindings were Linux only, as the development
team didn’t have ready access to a Windows environment to port things
over to.
As for experience, I have used an earlier version of Ruby Qt bindings
based on Qt 2. This version I used on Windows for a GUI app project,
but didn’t have the compilation environment to build it from source. So
I reverted back to an older version of Ruby (1.6), which had binary
files for the Qt 2 bindings that I could download.
This same GUI app project I then ported over to ARM Linux (specifically
a Sharp Zaurus SL-5500), using Ruby Qte bindings I found on
https://sourceforge.jp/projects/zaurus-ja/. The tricky thing was that
to pull off the port of this project the ARM Linux version was using
Ruby 1.8, although at least it was still binding to a Qte environment
based on Qt 2.
If Qt 4 bindings aren’t available yet for Ruby on Windows you might
have to revert back to Qt 3, which appears to be an option for your
situation. Would this suffice, or is there something specific in terms
of methods, objects, etc. in Qt 4 that is missing from Qt 3 that your
work requires?
Thank you for the complex answer.
Unfortunatelly I am required to use the open source version of Qt
When you know something about qt4ruby (and you want to share with
someone ), please email me or write on this topic.
Thank you,
| If Qt 4 bindings aren’t available yet for Ruby on Windows you
| might have to revert back to Qt 3
There are not QT3-ruby for Windows.
The best solution is to send money to Dale for a Windows Env.
Upper reality >oftware.
Dave - Skp Core (skp-it.eu).
Email.it, the professional e-mail, gratis per te: http://www.email.it/f
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You are correct! How quickly I forget that non-commercial Qt for
Windows was available in version 2, skipped version 3, and is available
once again in version 4. Here’s a thread similar to what we are
discussing now → QtRuby install - Ruby - Ruby-Forum.
Quoting mir [email protected]:
I’m developing some QtRuby/Korundum applications on Linux using Qt
The best places to find help on QtRuby are the #qtruby IRC channel on
FreeNode and the KDE-Bindings mailing list
(Kde-bindings Info Page)
| My company sponsored Richard to work on the Qt4 bindings, but not
| necessarily for Windows.
A very good idea. It should be a major project, if possible more
companies should promote it with donations!
Upper reality >oftware.
Dave - Skp Core (skp-it.eu).
Email.it, the professional e-mail, gratis per te: http://www.email.it/f
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My company sponsored Richard to work on the Qt4 bindings, but not
necessarily for Windows. The last I talked with him, he had them
“mostly” working on Windows. Shooting an email to him or to the kde-
bindings list is probably the way to go. If they’re not quite ready,
certainly they aren’t far off.