Qt4 bindings, threads

I couldn’t find a mailinglist for the Qt4 Ruby bindings, so I try here.
seems the Qt4 Ruby bindings lack Qt::Thread. So how do I create a
Thread? Do
I use Ruby’s build-in? I need a thread because I need to read from a
domain socket (blocking), and pass the data to the GUI. Thanks for any


On Dec 25, 2007, at 6:36 PM, daniel åkerud wrote:

I couldn’t find a mailinglist for the Qt4 Ruby bindings, so I try
here. It
seems the Qt4 Ruby bindings lack Qt::Thread. So how do I create a
Thread? Do
I use Ruby’s build-in? I need a thread because I need to read from a
domain socket (blocking), and pass the data to the GUI. Thanks for
any help!

There’s no Qt::Thread because Ruby lacks support for native threads
(at least, for the moment), so it’s not really feasible to implement.

The most common workaround is to use a Qt::SocketNotifier to pipe data
into the application over a socket so that your GUI isn’t blocking
while the data is coming in.


Thanks for the quick answer. I’ll look up on the non-blocking IO.

I noticed that Qt::Application.exec() stops all Ruby threads as well. So
go either way.

Anyone knows if there are plans for the future to support threading and


qtruby4 unfortunately lacks QSocketNotifier as well. The Ruby UNIXSocket
class contains a method called read_nonblock which gives me some hope


Alle mercoledì 26 dicembre 2007, daniel åkerud ha scritto:

I couldn’t find a mailinglist for the Qt4 Ruby bindings, so I try here. It
seems the Qt4 Ruby bindings lack Qt::Thread. So how do I create a Thread?
Do I use Ruby’s build-in? I need a thread because I need to read from a
UNIX domain socket (blocking), and pass the data to the GUI. Thanks for any


There’s a forum for qtruby. It’s at rubyforge, and the name of the
project is
korundum. The address of the forum is:

As for your question about threads, they’re discussed in these two
threads in
the forum:

I hope this helps


If anyone has the same problem in the future: I solved this problem by
a Qt::Timer, that polls the UNIX domain socket every 100ms. At every
poll it
reads data with socket.read_nonblock until it throws a Errno::EAGAIN,

 40     # poll data from socket, until there is no more
 41     begin
 42       begin # loop while read_nonblock returns data
 43         new_data, addr_arr = @socket.read_nonblock(128)
 44         data << new_data
 45       end while true
 46     rescue Errno::EAGAIN
 47       # no more data
 48     end

Much cleaner than using a thread, IMO.


On Dec 26, 2007 10:35 AM, Stefano C. [email protected]


I hope this helps


Thank you very much!!


On Dec 26, 1:05 am, daniel åkerud [email protected] wrote:

qtruby4 unfortunately lacks QSocketNotifier as well. The Ruby UNIXSocket
class contains a method called read_nonblock which gives me some hope though
Your version of the Smoke library that QtRuby uses should have the
QSocketNotifier class, my version of QtRuby certainly has it. Try
using the 'rbqtapi ’ tool to find if it is there:

$ rbqtapi QSocketNotifier
enum QSocketNotifier::Exception
QSocketNotifier* QSocketNotifier::QSocketNotifier(int,
QSocketNotifier* QSocketNotifier::QSocketNotifier(int,
QSocketNotifier::Type, QObject*)

– Richard

On Dec 26, 2007 11:13 PM, daniel Ã¥kerud [email protected] wrote:

from /usr/bin/rbqtapi:11
Maintainer: Ubuntu MOTU Developers [email protected]
But perhaps i’m missing something fundamental here :smiley:


Hmm, I made a link after delving deeper into the error:
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/rbqtapi /usr/bin/rbqt4api

and then it worked, gave me this answer:

da@brutus:~$ rbqt4api QSocketNotifier
enum QSocketNotifier::Exception
QSocketNotifier* QSocketNotifier::QSocketNotifier(int,
QSocketNotifier* QSocketNotifier::QSocketNotifier(int,
QSocketNotifier::Type, QObject*)
enum QSocketNotifier::Read
enum QSocketNotifier::Write
void QSocketNotifier::activated(int)
bool QSocketNotifier::event(QEvent*)
bool QSocketNotifier::isEnabled() const
const QMetaObject* QSocketNotifier::metaObject() const
int QSocketNotifier::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call, int, void**)
void QSocketNotifier::setEnabled(bool)
int QSocketNotifier::socket() const
static const QMetaObject QSocketNotifier::staticMetaObject()
static QString QSocketNotifier::tr(const char*)
static QString QSocketNotifier::tr(const char*, const char*)
QSocketNotifier::Type QSocketNotifier::type() const
void QSocketNotifier::~QSocketNotifier()

I don’t know what I did wrong previously… I’ll definetly update my

Thanks for letting me know about the cool utility.


On Dec 26, 2007 10:25 PM, [email protected]
[email protected]

– Richard

I use the packages in Kubuntu Gutsy Gibbon. rbqtapi doesn’t work for me:

da@brutus:~$ rbqtapi
/usr/bin/rbqtapi:11:in `require’: no such file to load – Qt (LoadError)
from /usr/bin/rbqtapi:11

This is the qtruby version:

da@brutus:~$ dpkg -s libqt4-ruby
Package: libqt4-ruby
Status: install ok installed
Priority: optional
Section: interpreters
Installed-Size: 56
Maintainer: Ubuntu MOTU Developers [email protected]
Architecture: all
Version: 1.4.9-4ubuntu1
Depends: libqt4-ruby1.8
Description: ruby bindings for the Qt4 GUI library
Smoke-based ruby bindings for Qt4, the Trolltech GUI library.
This is a dependency package to point to the current version
of ruby.
Original-Maintainer: Vincent F. [email protected]

But perhaps i’m missing something fundamental here :smiley:


On Dec 26, 2007 7:22 PM, daniel Ã¥kerud [email protected] wrote:

43         new_data, addr_arr = @socket.read_nonblock(128)
44         data << new_data
45       end while true
46     rescue Errno::EAGAIN
47       # no more data
48     end

Much cleaner than using a thread, IMO.


Update to this: QSocketNotifier is indeed they way to go. I think I
Qt::QSocketNotifier instead of Qt::SocketNotifier by mistake earlier.
