Hello, I discovered your Internet Radio /Stream tool Gnu radio.
can you have a look at this serverless Instant Messenger too:
I want to ask, if you could imagine to make a c++/Qt based plugin from
software for it,
so that users
a) can hear radio/Audio Streams
b) save the mp3 stream into mp3 files and cut it, and share it in the
messenger to friends
c) stream over the encrypted rs network layer (next version) a
stream to all their friends?
I could imagine a function, to click on a button and to hear, which
musik a
friend is currently playing.
(So a kind of like mercora stream from friend to friend.)
Thanks for a feedback, if you can create a QT plugin.
Currently a Media player is in, which is SM media player, but maybe as
VLC soon, all have Qt Gui.