I don’t usually worry too much about efficiency unless runtime
performance becomes an issue so I use a_string.split.join(’ ') to
remove extra spaces because the code is short and readable.
This is certainly inefficient. What is the fastest idiom for this
On Jan 9, 11:20 am, Mark Watson [email protected] wrote:
I don’t usually worry too much about efficiency unless runtime
performance becomes an issue so I use a_string.split.join(’ ') to
remove extra spaces because the code is short and readable.
This is certainly inefficient. What is the fastest idiom for this
Haven’t benchmarked it, but this sounds like a case for regular
a_string.gsub!(/ +/, ’ ')
On Fri, Jan 9, 2009 at 11:29 AM, Chris S. [email protected] wrote:
Haven’t benchmarked it,
require ‘benchmark’
n = 1_000_000
Benchmark.bm(10) do |x|
x.report(“gsub”) { n.times do
“This is a test string.”.gsub(/ +/, ’ ')
x.report(“gsub!”) { n.times do
“This is a test string.”.gsub!(/ +/, ’ ‘)
x.report(“split.join”) { n.times do
“This is a test string.”.split.join(’ ')
user system total real
gsub 6.310000 0.080000 6.390000 ( 7.135028)
gsub! 6.300000 0.070000 6.370000 ( 7.064374)
split.join 3.940000 0.070000 4.010000 ( 4.160529)
or, with bmbm
pate@pate:~/scratch$ ./stringcleanup.rb
Rehearsal ----------------------------------------------
gsub 6.290000 0.170000 6.460000 ( 7.956565)
gsub! 6.370000 0.170000 6.540000 ( 8.128309)
split.join 3.990000 0.080000 4.070000 ( 4.832332)
------------------------------------ total: 17.070000sec
user system total real
gsub 6.220000 0.130000 6.350000 ( 7.613061)
gsub! 6.390000 0.080000 6.470000 ( 8.284855)
split.join 3.970000 0.120000 4.090000 ( 5.684406)
Please, benchmark first. It’s not that hard:
On Fri, Jan 9, 2009 at 1:24 PM, Mark W. [email protected]
I don’t usually worry too much about efficiency unless runtime
performance becomes an issue so I use a_string.split.join(’ ') to
remove extra spaces because the code is short and readable.
This is certainly inefficient. What is the fastest idiom for this
I was looking at the docs the other day and stumbled across
You might try benchmarking that.
I was just doing that. 
require ‘benchmark’
n = 1_000_000
Benchmark.bm(10) do |x|
x.report(“gsub”) { n.times do
“This is a test string.”.gsub(/ +/, ’ ')
x.report(“gsub!”) { n.times do
“This is a test string.”.gsub!(/ +/, ’ ‘)
x.report(“split.join”) { n.times do
“This is a test string.”.split.join(’ ‘)
x.report(“squeeze.strip”) { n.times do
“This is a test string.”.squeeze(’ ').strip
user system total real
gsub 4.470000 0.040000 4.510000 ( 4.578173)
gsub! 4.390000 0.020000 4.410000 ( 4.468695)
split.join 3.500000 0.020000 3.520000 ( 3.556669)
squeeze.strip 1.980000 0.010000 1.990000 ( 2.003622)
On 09.01.2009 19:47, pat eyler wrote:
x.report(“gsub!”) { n.times do
“This is a test string.”.gsub!(/ +/, ’ ‘)
x.report(“split.join”) { n.times do
“This is a test string.”.split.join(’ ')
Note that these behave differently. A more appropriate comparison would
be to use /\s+/ as regular expression for gsub!.
Interesting figures btw. I would have guessed that gsub! is fastest -
live and learn.
Kind regards
Craig D. wrote:
"This is a test string.".gsub(/ +/, ' ')
x.report(“squeeze.strip”) { n.times do
The ruby version plays a big role in squeeze.strip, as it’s much slower
than split.join with an older version on one of my systems.
Also, try the following variations and see the slight speed increase for
gsub/gsub! (small increase, but interesting to note):
n = 1_000_000
string = “This is a test string.”
Benchmark.bm(10) do |x|
x.report(“gsub”) { n.times do
string.gsub(/ +/, ’ ')
x.report(“gsub #2”) { n.times do
string.gsub(/ {2,}/, ’ ')
x.report(“gsub #3”) { n.times do
string.gsub(/ +/, ’ ')
old ruby 1.8.1 on one system:
user system total real
gsub 9.090000 0.000000 9.090000 ( 9.111154)
gsub #2 8.600000 0.000000 8.600000 ( 8.643407)
gsub #3 7.560000 0.000000 7.560000 ( 7.579185)
gsub! 8.060000 0.000000 8.060000 ( 8.061861)
gsub! #2 8.110000 0.000000 8.110000 ( 8.115992)
split.join 4.730000 0.000000 4.730000 ( 4.733248)
squeeze.strip 6.140000 0.000000 6.140000 ( 6.132690)
Ruby 1.8.7 on another system:
user system total real
gsub 3.660000 0.000000 3.660000 ( 3.663209)
gsub #2 3.450000 0.000000 3.450000 ( 3.455171)
gsub #3 3.070000 0.000000 3.070000 ( 3.065939)
gsub! 3.500000 0.000000 3.500000 ( 3.517176)
gsub! #2 3.510000 0.000000 3.510000 ( 3.506881)
split.join 2.550000 0.000000 2.550000 ( 2.560460)
squeeze.strip 1.580000 0.000000 1.580000 ( 1.588717)
I’ll see if I can get a chance to upgrade ruby on the older system to
see the results.
Robert K. wrote:
Note that these behave differently…
Interesting figures btw. I would have guessed that gsub! is fastest -
live and learn
It still might be - the benchmark doesn’t run long enough to
compare the GC overhead of making dozens of little strings
that get used once each.
On Jan 9, 11:20 am, Mark Watson [email protected] wrote:
I don’t usually worry too much about efficiency unless runtime
performance becomes an issue so I use a_string.split.join(’ ') to
remove extra spaces because the code is short and readable.
This is certainly inefficient. What is the fastest idiom for this
Thanks to everyone who responded!
Best regards,
pat eyler wrote:
that get used once each.
For gsub/gsub!, instead of replacing one or more white space with a
white space, speed it up by replacing two or more white space with a
white space. This saves unneeded processing by not replacing single
white space. I.e., instead of gsub(/ +/, ’ '), try gsub(/ +/, ’ ') or
gsub(/ {2,}/, ’ ') and benchmark them (they should be faster). Of
course, it’s still not going to be as fast as split.join or
squeeze.strip (at least depending on the version of ruby used, as older
ruby versions may put squeeze.strip markedly slower than split.join.
On Sat, Jan 10, 2009 at 1:14 PM, Tim G. [email protected] wrote:
For gsub/gsub!, instead of replacing one or more white space with a
white space, speed it up by replacing two or more white space with a
white space. This saves unneeded processing by not replacing single
white space. I.e., instead of gsub(/ +/, ’ '), try gsub(/ +/, ’ ') or
gsub(/ {2,}/, ’ ') and benchmark them (they should be faster). Of
course, it’s still not going to be as fast as split.join or
squeeze.strip (at least depending on the version of ruby used, as older
ruby versions may put squeeze.strip markedly slower than split.join.
require ‘benchmark’
n = 1_000_000
Benchmark.bm(15) do |x|
x.report(“gsub”) { n.times do
a_string = “This is a test string.”
a_string.gsub(/ +/, ’ ')
x.report(“gsub!”) { n.times do
a_string = “This is a test string.”
a_string.gsub!(/ +/, ’ ')
x.report(“gsub2”) { n.times do
a_string = “This is a test string.”
a_string.gsub(/ {2,}/, ’ ')
x.report(“gsub!2”) { n.times do
a_string = “This is a test string.”
a_string.gsub!(/ {2,}/, ’ ')
x.report(“gsub s”) { n.times do
a_string = “This is a test string.”
a_string.gsub(/\s+/, ’ ')
x.report(“gsub! s”) { n.times do
a_string = “This is a test string.”
a_string.gsub!(/\s+/, ’ ')
x.report(“gsub2 s”) { n.times do
a_string = “This is a test string.”
a_string.gsub(/\s{2,}/, ’ ')
x.report(“gsub!2 s”) { n.times do
a_string = “This is a test string.”
a_string.gsub!(/\s{2,}/, ’ ‘)
x.report(“split.join”) { n.times do
a_string = “This is a test string.”
a_string.split.join(’ ‘)
x.report(“squeeze.strip”) { n.times do
a_string = “This is a test string.”
a_string.squeeze(’ ').strip
$ ./stringcleanup.rb
user system total real
gsub 7.250000 0.120000 7.370000 ( 8.386002)
gsub! 7.240000 0.130000 7.370000 ( 9.007479)
gsub2 7.110000 0.140000 7.250000 ( 9.302915)
gsub!2 6.830000 0.150000 6.980000 ( 9.309362)
gsub s 7.410000 0.140000 7.550000 ( 10.864572)
gsub! s 7.400000 0.130000 7.530000 ( 10.286886)
gsub2 s 7.020000 0.100000 7.120000 ( 8.977424)
gsub!2 s 6.860000 0.100000 6.960000 ( 8.421220)
split.join 4.420000 0.110000 4.530000 ( 5.716684)
squeeze.strip 3.120000 0.110000 3.230000 ( 3.651918)
I haven’t run it enough to do any statistical analysis, but after
5 runs it seems like the various flavors of gsub/gsub! don’t really
perform any differently. splitting and squeezing look like much
better options.
On Fri, Jan 9, 2009 at 6:20 PM, Clifford H. [email protected]
Is this better?
require ‘benchmark’
n = 1_000_000
Benchmark.bm(10) do |x|
x.report(“gsub”) { n.times do
a_string = “This is a test string.”
a_string.gsub(/ +/, ’ ')
x.report(“gsub!”) { n.times do
a_string = “This is a test string.”
a_string.gsub!(/ +/, ’ ‘)
x.report(“split.join”) { n.times do
a_string = “This is a test string.”
a_string.split.join(’ ‘)
x.report(“squeeze.strip”) { n.times do
a_string = “This is a test string.”
a_string.squeeze(’ ').strip
$ ./stringcleanup.rb
user system total real
gsub 7.170000 0.140000 7.310000 ( 11.034766)
gsub! 6.900000 0.150000 7.050000 ( 14.113575)
split.join 4.450000 0.110000 4.560000 ( 7.518476)
squeeze.strip 3.180000 0.100000 3.280000 ( 4.943830)
pat eyler wrote:
On Fri, Jan 9, 2009 at 6:20 PM, Clifford H. [email protected] wrote:
Robert K. wrote:
I would have guessed that gsub! is fastest
It still might be - the benchmark doesn’t run long enough to
compare the GC overhead of making dozens of little strings
that get used once each.
Is this better?
No. Before I elaborate, I’m not saying I don’t believe the result.
I’m saying your benchmark figure won’t accurately represent the
cost in a long-running application.
All versions create an initial million strings - perhaps 40 MB.
Your computer has what, 2GB of memory? At what point does the GC run?
The gsub version creates a million extra strings.
The gsub! version creates, perhaps no extra strings, perhaps a million.
The split version creates six million extra strings (one per word and
one from join)
The squeeze version creates two million (from squeeze, and from strip).
Now depending on whether the string in your real-life application
is an HTML document with a thousand white-space runs, how many
extra strings do the respective versions take? split makes a billion.
A benchmark environment must consider that the code being tested
will run in the context of an application where there are many
other objects created by all the other code - perhaps a thousand
times as many objects. At some point, the garbage collector is
likely to run. That takes time, and the time should be part of the
Try squeezing said HTML document a million times, and run the GC
inside each benchmark timer (after the n.times loop). Then I’ll
be happy ;-).
Clifford H…
pat eyler wrote:
a_string.gsub(/ +/, ’ ')
x.report(“gsub!2 s”) { n.times do
a_string = “This is a test string.”
gsub2 7.110000 0.140000 7.250000 ( 9.302915)
5 runs it seems like the various flavors of gsub/gsub! don’t really
perform any differently. splitting and squeezing look like much
better options.
Yeah, it doesn’t make a huge difference, but it’s just a little faster
is all. Definitely split.join is faster. squeeze.strip is the fastest
(though that will actually take longer on older versions of ruby). My
follow up was really just a reference for gsub/gsub!, not that it would
be faster than the other two.