Is there any documentation for PGconn (or postgres/postgres)? When I
do ‘ri postgres’ I get the message ‘Nothing known about postgres’,
even though the module works fine in test cases with jruby and cygwin-
ruby in Windoze Vi$ta.
here’s my recipe:
- google for ruby postgres
- enter 1st result (i’m feeling lucky might work too)
- look for the link “reference”
- here’s the link also:
On 30-07-2008, at 8:14, G. Ralph Kuntz, MD, MS wrote:
Is there any documentation for PGconn (or postgres/postgres)? When I
do ‘ri postgres’ I get the message ‘Nothing known about postgres’,
even though the module works fine in test cases with jruby and cygwin-
ruby in Windoze Vi$ta.
G. Ralph Kuntz, MD, MS wrote:
Is there any documentation for PGconn (or postgres/postgres)? When I
do ‘ri postgres’ I get the message ‘Nothing known about postgres’,
even though the module works fine in test cases with jruby and cygwin-
ruby in Windoze Vi$ta.
Or for those of us who can’t be tethered to the Internet all the
- Check to seen whether you have rdoc installed: rdoc --help
- If not, get it else…
- Chdir so you’re in the top level of the package you want to examine
- Check to see if there’s a ‘doc’ subdirectory
- If not, ‘rdoc’ and the rdoc will be generated in a new doc directory
I did this. The documents are out of date. There is no ‘connect’
method documented, but there is an ‘open’ method.
I found some docs on my machine in /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/ruby-
postgres- (cygwin).
I guess that will have to do for now.
- If not, ‘rdoc’ and the rdoc will be generated in a new doc directory
** so much for ‘tabs’ **
- Open the ‘index.html’ file in the doc directory with your browser
- If the doc directory already exists and you don’t want to trash it:
‘rdoc --op some-other-directory’ and proceed as above…
G. Ralph Kuntz, MD, MS wrote:
I did this. The documents are out of date. There is no ‘connect’
method documented, but there is an ‘open’ method.I found some docs on my machine in /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/ruby-
postgres- (cygwin).I guess that will have to do for now.
a couple of notes…
if you check to online doc cited earlier, you won’t find a ‘connect’
method there either.
some possibilities include:
a) ‘connect’ is a private method - rdoc doesn’t cover these by default
b) ‘connect’ is inherited from a class outside of pkg directory
c) ‘connect’ has been tagged with :nodoc: for some reason
at this point, ‘grep -r connect *’ is your friend