Puzzling regex behaviour


Can anyone explain this to me?

$ echo $LANG
$ irb -f
irb(main):001:0> foo = “préférées”
=> “pr\351f\351r\351es”
irb(main):002:0> foo =~ /[^[:alnum:]]/
=> nil
irb(main):003:0> foo =~ /\W/
=> 2

First question: Why does the final statement return 2 instead of nil?
All characters in foo are alphabetic characters in this locale.


$ echo $LANG
$ cat ./foo
#!/usr/bin/ruby -w

foo = “préférées”
p foo =~ /[^[:alnum:]]/
p foo =~ /\W/
$ ./foo


Second question: Why does the first regex match now return 2 instead of

To my way of thinking, both statements should always return nil, whether
or not they are typed into irb or run in a stand-alone script. At the
very least, both statements should return the same answer, regardless of
the context.

What am I missing here?


On 13.02.2007 21:19, Ian M. wrote:

=> nil
$ cat ./foo

Second question: Why does the first regex match now return 2 instead of

To my way of thinking, both statements should always return nil, whether
or not they are typed into irb or run in a stand-alone script. At the
very least, both statements should return the same answer, regardless of
the context.

What am I missing here?

Maybe there is an initialization in .irbrc that leads to a changed
locale inside IRB. Or your IRB belongs to a different Ruby version on
that system.

Other than that, I guess you tripped into the wide and wild country of
i18n - many strange things can be found there. Maybe \w and \W only
treat ASCII [a-z] characters as word characters.

Kind regards


On Wed 14 Feb 2007 at 06:45:08 +0900, Robert K. wrote:

Maybe there is an initialization in .irbrc that leads to a changed
locale inside IRB.

Nope; I had hoped it would be that easy, but as you can see from my
snippet of output, I started irb with -f, which bypasses ~/.irbrc.
ENV[‘LANG’] also prints nl_NL in irb, so that can’t be it.

Or your IRB belongs to a different Ruby version on that system.

I compiled it myself, so there has been no mix-and-matching.

Other than that, I guess you tripped into the wide and wild country of
i18n - many strange things can be found there. Maybe \w and \W only
treat ASCII [a-z] characters as word characters.

It does seem that way, as Perl also appears to treat them this way.

However, I’m still puzzled why there’s a difference between irb and a
stand-alone script.


On 2/14/07, David B. [email protected] wrote:

On 2/14/07, Ian M. [email protected] wrote:

However, I’m still puzzled why there’s a difference between irb and a
stand-alone script.

Maybe your editor saves the script in UTF-8 format. The irb example
clearly encodes the string in ISO-8859-1. That could explain the

For example;

~$ echo $LANG
~$ irb -f
irb(main):001:0> “pr\351f\351r\351es” =~ /[^[:alnum:]]/
=> nil
irb(main):002:0> “pr\303\251f\303\251r\303\251es” =~ /[^[:alnum:]]/
=> 3

Not exactly what you had but it probably has something to do with the
encoding of the

On 2/14/07, Ian M. [email protected] wrote:

However, I’m still puzzled why there’s a difference between irb and a
stand-alone script.

Maybe your editor saves the script in UTF-8 format. The irb example
clearly encodes the string in ISO-8859-1. That could explain the

On Wed 14 Feb 2007 at 08:43:06 +0900, Ian M. wrote:

The mystery continues. :wink:

I should have asked by now, but can anyone else reproduce this with
Ruby 1.8.5?


On 2/14/07, Ian M. [email protected] wrote:

On Wed 14 Feb 2007 at 08:43:06 +0900, Ian M. wrote:

The mystery continues. :wink:

I should have asked by now, but can anyone else reproduce this with
Ruby 1.8.5?

I can reproduce this 1.8.4

On Wed 14 Feb 2007 at 08:01:15 +0900, David B. wrote:

~$ echo $LANG
~$ irb -f
irb(main):001:0> “pr\351f\351r\351es” =~ /[^[:alnum:]]/
=> nil
irb(main):002:0> “pr\303\251f\303\251r\303\251es” =~ /[^[:alnum:]]/
=> 3

Not exactly what you had but it probably has something to do with the
encoding of the é.

My editor is vim and I run it in the nl_NL locale, so it doesn’t start
in UTF-8 mode. To double-check:

:set encoding?

And if we dump my little script:

$ od -c foo
0000000 # ! / u s r / b i n / r u b y
0000020 - w \n \n f o o = " p r 351 f 351
0000040 r 351 e s " \n p f o o = ~ /
0000060 [ ^ [ : a l n u m : ] ] / \n p
0000100 f o o = ~ / \ W / \n

You can see that it is, indeed, saved as Latin-1, not UTF-8.

The mystery continues. :wink:


On Wed 14 Feb 2007 at 09:08:17 +0900, David B. wrote:

On 2/14/07, Ian M. [email protected] wrote:

I should have asked by now, but can anyone else reproduce this with
Ruby 1.8.5?

I can reproduce this 1.8.4

Just to be clear, you are confirming that the following code:

foo = “préférées”
p foo =~ /[^[:alnum:]]/

prints nil in irb and 2 in a stand-alone script when in both cases your
locale is preset to nl_NL?


On 2/14/07, Ian M. [email protected] wrote:

foo = “préférées”
p foo =~ /[^[:alnum:]]/

prints nil in irb and 2 in a stand-alone script when in both cases your
locale is preset to nl_NL?

Not nl_NL but en_US.ISO-8859-1. I get the same results as you.

On Feb 13, 2007, at 7:13 PM, Ian M. wrote:

[email protected] |
http://www.caliban.org/ |

I’m beginning to wonder if the original question is even accurate.
Doing nothing more than changing the encoding and re-saving the file
(where the value for foo was a cut-n-paste from the email), there
doesn’t seem to be any discrpeancy between ruby and irb. (This
output is from ruby 1.8.5, but 1.8.2 was the same)

rab:code/ruby $ file regexp_and_alnum_versus_w.rb
regexp_and_alnum_versus_w.rb: ISO-8859 text
rab:code/ruby $ cat regexp_and_alnum_versus_w.rb
foo = “pr?f?r?es”
alnum = /[^[:alnum:]]/
dubya = /\W/

puts “foo\n => #{foo.inspect}”
[ alnum, dubya ].each do |re|
puts “foo =~ #{re}\n => #{foo =~ re}”
rab:code/ruby $ ruby regexp_and_alnum_versus_w.rb
=> “pr\351f\351r\351es”
foo =~ (?-mix:[^[:alnum:]])
=> 2
foo =~ (?-mix:\W)
=> 2
rab:code/ruby $ irb -r regexp_and_alnum_versus_w.rb
=> “pr\351f\351r\351es”
foo =~ (?-mix:[^[:alnum:]])
=> 2
foo =~ (?-mix:\W)
=> 2

NameError: undefined local variable or method `eixt’ for main:Object
from (irb):1
rab:code/ruby $ file
regexp_and_alnum_versus_w.rbregexp_and_alnum_versus_w.rb: UTF-8
Unicode text
rab:code/ruby $ cat regexp_and_alnum_versus_w.rb
foo = “préférées”
alnum = /[^[:alnum:]]/
dubya = /\W/

puts “foo\n => #{foo.inspect}”
[ alnum, dubya ].each do |re|
puts “foo =~ #{re}\n => #{foo =~ re}”
rab:code/ruby $ ruby regexp_and_alnum_versus_w.rb
=> “pr\303\251f\303\251r\303\251es”
foo =~ (?-mix:[^[:alnum:]])
=> 2
foo =~ (?-mix:\W)
=> 2
rab:code/ruby $ irb -r regexp_and_alnum_versus_w.rb
=> “pr\303\251f\303\251r\303\251es”
foo =~ (?-mix:[^[:alnum:]])
=> 2
foo =~ (?-mix:\W)
=> 2



Rob B. http://agileconsultingllc.com
[email protected]

On 14.02.2007 01:13, Ian M. wrote:

p foo =~ /[^[:alnum:]]/

prints nil in irb and 2 in a stand-alone script when in both cases your
locale is preset to nl_NL?

Another idea: maybe the readline lib interferes with encodings somehow
in IRB? What happens if you invoke your script from within IRB via

Kind regards


On Wed 14 Feb 2007 at 18:00:22 +0900, Robert K. wrote:

Another idea: maybe the readline lib interferes with encodings somehow
in IRB? What happens if you invoke your script from within IRB via “load”?

It runs as if run from the command line:

irb(main):001:0> load ‘foo’


On Feb 14, 8:17 am, Ian M. [email protected] wrote:

As you can see, interactively irb returns nil for that first regex match.

Aren’t you making the assumption that it’s the regex at fault here,
and not the encoding of the string when you enter it in irb?

What if you do:

gavinkistner$ cat set_foo.rb
$foo = “préférés”

gavinkistner$ irb
irb(main):001:0> load ‘set_foo.rb’
=> true
irb(main):001:0> $foo =~ /[^[:alnum:]]/

On Wed 14 Feb 2007 at 10:25:10 +0900, Rob B. wrote:

alnum = /[^[:alnum:]]/
=> 2
What is your locale? I strongly suspect it’s either unset or set to C.
In those cases, I get the same results as you.

If you use en_US or nl_NL, you’ll find (or at least, I find) that
‘foo =~ /[^[:alnum:]]/’ returns nil in irb and 2 from a stand-alone

In fact, even irb returns a different value from the command line. This
is bizarre:

$ irb -f < foo2
foo = “préférées”
foo =~ /[^[:alnum:]]/
foo =~ /\W/

$ irb
irb(main):001:0> foo = “préférées”
=> “pr\351f\351r\351es”
irb(main):002:0> foo =~ /[^[:alnum:]]/
=> nil
irb(main):003:0> foo =~ /\W/
=> 2

As you can see, interactively irb returns nil for that first regex


On Thu 15 Feb 2007 at 00:40:09 +0900, Phrogz wrote:

gavinkistner$ irb
irb(main):001:0> load ‘set_foo.rb’
=> true
irb(main):001:0> $foo =~ /[^[:alnum:]]/

$ irb
irb(main):001:0> load ‘foo’
=> true
irb(main):002:0> $foo
=> “pr\351f\351r\351es”
irb(main):003:0> $foo =~ /[^[:alnum:]]/
=> nil

It’s still nil, I’m afraid.


On Wed 14 Feb 2007 at 23:42:10 +0900, Ian M. wrote:

On Wed 14 Feb 2007 at 18:00:22 +0900, Robert K. wrote:

Another idea: maybe the readline lib interferes with encodings somehow
in IRB? What happens if you invoke your script from within IRB via “load”?

It runs as if run from the command line:

irb(main):001:0> load ‘foo’

I beg your pardon. I must have had the locale set incorrectly on that
run. It runs as if typed interactively into irb:

$ irb
irb(main):001:0> load ‘foo’


On Feb 14, 8:51 am, Ian M. [email protected] wrote:


I beg your pardon. I must have had the locale set incorrectly on that
run. It runs as if typed interactively into irb:

$ irb
irb(main):001:0> load ‘foo’

Phewsh. Combined with the behavior you reported for loading a global
and then matching in IRB, I had feared the world had gone insane. At
least its consistently weird and the regexp match is, in fact, the

On Thu 15 Feb 2007 at 03:16:27 +0900, Rob B. wrote:


dubyas = (0…0377).select {|c| c.chr =~ /\w/ }.map {|c|c.chr}.join
=> “0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz”

Yes, but all this really does is indicate that the irb behaviour is
the correct one.

When I run this in a stand-alone script, I get this:

$ LANG=nl_NL ./foo

It’s almost as if the locale isn’t being propagated to the process via
the environment. But…

$ LANG=nl_NL ruby -e “puts ENV[‘LANG’]”

…it is being propagated.

Is is the same for you?


On Feb 14, 2007, at 12:05 PM, Phrogz wrote:

It runs as if run from the command line:

Phewsh. Combined with the behavior you reported for loading a global
and then matching in IRB, I had feared the world had gone insane. At
least its consistently weird and the regexp match is, in fact, the

Why don’t you just find out which characters are in the [:alnum:] and
\w sets?

alnums = (0…0377).select {|c| c.chr =~ /[[:alnum:]]/ }.map {|c|
=> “0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz”
dubyas = (0…0377).select {|c| c.chr =~ /\w/ }.map {|c|c.chr}.join
=> “0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz”

$ LANG=nl_NL irb

alnums = (0…0377).select {|c| c.chr =~ /[[:alnum:]]/ }.map {|c|
=> “0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\252
dubyas = (0…0377).select {|c| c.chr =~ /\w/ }.map {|c|c.chr}.join
=> “0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz”



Rob B. http://agileconsultingllc.com
[email protected]