"puts" without line feed

Is there a way to show output on a single line in the command prompt,
overwriting each time instead of linefeeding everytime I puts ‘my data’

I want the appearance of progress thru numerous iterations without
scrollin off into oblivion.

it’s “print”

print “line without line-feed”

or was it “prints” i don’t remember.


On Sun, Aug 10, 2008 at 2:36 PM, Bob M. [email protected] wrote:

Is there a way to show output on a single line in the command prompt,
overwriting each time instead of linefeeding everytime I puts ‘my data’

I want the appearance of progress thru numerous iterations without
scrollin off into oblivion.

try print instead of puts


On Sun, Aug 10, 2008 at 8:36 PM, Bob M. [email protected] wrote:

Is there a way to show output on a single line in the command prompt,
overwriting each time instead of linefeeding everytime I puts ‘my data’

You can use print() instead of puts() which doesn’t add a linefeed.

Bob M. wrote:

Is there a way to show output on a single line in the command prompt,
overwriting each time instead of linefeeding everytime I puts ‘my data’

$stdout.sync = true
5.times do |i|
print “\r#{i}”
sleep 1


Bob M. wrote:

does what I want at all, eh?
Thanks for kind & timely responses.

Try Sebastian’s example. It does what you want.

Le 10 août 2008 à 21:27, Bob M. a écrit :

so it rolls along “in place”

Try writing a “backspace” control caracter (ctrl-h, ascii code 8) ; for
example :

print “Countdown : 9”
9.downto(0) do |x|
print “\C-h#{x}”
sleep 1

(I’m not entirely sure it’s completely cross-platform, but this simple
example works well with Windows and Unixoïds.)


On Mon Aug 11 04:27:56 2008, Bob M. wrote:

does what I want at all, eh?
Thanks for kind & timely responses.

You need to flush $stdout and move to the beginning of the line each

jump = “\r\e[0K” # That is return to beginning of line and use the
# ANSI clear command “\e” or “\003”

(1…10).each do |i|
print jump + i
sleep 1

That should sort you.

uze guyz are SO close.

Print gives me

123456…to a new lineto another new line

I’m tryin for



2 (where 1 was)


3 (where 1, then 2 were)

so it rolls along “in place”

Kinda silly, I know…I guess I should be happy the darn thing runs &
does what I want at all, eh?
Thanks for kind & timely responses.