Push user.id to another Controller

Good morning everyone,

I have a question, if anyone can answer it would be great. I’m trying to
send the user.id from the “users/show.html.erb” to
but I’m not sure how to do it. I can send the user information to the
but I’m not sure is that is correct.

Below is the code that I’m using:

“users/show.html.erb” --> <%= link_to ‘Add Photo’, :method =>
Photo.add(@user) %>

*“photo.rb” --> *
def self.add (name)
puts ‘Adding photo’
print name.name

Thi other thing that I’m trying is the next one. Could you tell me if it

*“users/show.html.erb” --> * <%= link_to ‘Add Photo’, new_photo_path,
:id => @user.id %>

Thanks & Best regards


I didn’t really get the scenario there. If you don’t mind in explain
the flow you want to achieve…

*“users/show.html.erb” → * <%= link_to ‘Add Photo’, new_photo_path,

:id => @user.id %>

And about what you’ve been trying, I can say that it depends on how your
routes look like. Is there any association between Users and Photos? If
are the routes nested?

Have a look on section 2.7 Nested Resources of this link* The guide is
your mate http://guides.rubyonrails.org/routing.html*

You do it like this:

<%= link_to “Pic”, your_route(user_Id: user.id) >

Then in your controller you can access the user id with:

Hope it helps

Hi everyone! I have this form, “users/add_photo.html.erb” This form is
render with the instance variable @photo. I want to pass the id of the
current user. This form is called throught this method in

def add_photo @photo = Photo.new @us_id = params[:id] render
‘add_photo’ end

The thing is that I’m not available to send the current id of the user,
form is not recongnizing @us_id. Any idea?.

<%= form_for @photo, :url => photos_path, :html => { :multipart => true
do |f| %>

<div class="field">
  <%= f.label :title %><br>
  <%= f.text_field :title %>
      <%= hidden_field(:id, :us_id)
      <%= f.file_field :avatar %>
<div class="actions">
  <%= f.submit %>

<% end %

Thank you very much. Regards.


Alfredo B. wrote in post #1143117:

Good morning everyone,

I have a question, if anyone can answer it would be great. I’m trying to
send the user.id from the “users/show.html.erb” to
but I’m not sure how to do it. I can send the user information to the
but I’m not sure is that is correct.

Speaking generally, users are authenticated (login form) and the id of
the user is stored in the session so that each controller can access the
user directly from the user’s session.

It is certainly possible to pass the user’s id along from request to
request, but that’s not typical for most apps.

For an example you can take a look at Devise authentication framework,
which provides you a “current_user” method that is accessible from any

Ok I think there is another easy way. What I’m trying to do now is send
id of the user that is trying to upload a new photo to the form
“new_photo”. That form has the id of the user but when the “submit” is
selected the id get lost.

The other way to get the user_id is with the “set_user”, but I don’t
exactly how it works. I’m reading a few blogs and when the user login to
the web the application has to save the user_id. Then, any controller
has that id.

Could you please explain to me this way?.

Thank you & Best regards,


El martes, 15 de abril de 2014 11:12:11 UTC+2, Alfredo B. escribió:

On 21 April 2014 19:37, Alfredo B. [email protected] wrote:

The thing is that I’m not available to send the current id of the user, the
form is not recongnizing @us_id. Any idea?.

What do you mean by ‘the form is not recognising @us_id’? Is it
showing an error, if so what error?


On 21 April 2014 21:46, Alfredo B. [email protected] wrote:

Could you please explain to me this way?.
What gem (if any) are you using to provide user login? Most have a
current_user method or similar that will give you the current user so
you don’t need to pass it around at all.
