Purpose of "text.hash"


I am reading “Beginning Ruby” by Peter C…

One of the methods listed on page 50 for operating on strings is
“Test”.hash which returns -98625764 in the example listed.

I am trying to see how this would be used. Can anyone suggest an
application for this method?

Thanks in advance,


A very simple form of encryption perhaps? There are many situations
you would not want to leave a String as plaintext.


On Nov 28, 2007 11:42 AM, Doug H. [email protected] wrote:


I am reading “Beginning Ruby” by Peter C…

One of the methods listed on page 50 for operating on strings is
“Test”.hash which returns -98625764 in the example listed.

I am trying to see how this would be used. Can anyone suggest an
application for this method?

It’s most usual application is in using the object as a key in a Hash.


Doug H. wrote:

One of the methods listed on page 50 for operating on strings is
“Test”.hash which returns -98625764 in the example listed.

I am trying to see how this would be used. Can anyone suggest an
application for this method?

Generating a hash from a string serves the purpose of converting this
into a more or less unique number. A full string can be quite long, and
using it as a key to retrieve other information can make searching for
key time consuming. Comparing numbers - and especially integers - is

What usually happens is that both the hash and the string that serves as
ultimate key are stored with the data. This combination is stored in the
order of the hash in a container. Access by hash from the container is

To retrieve the original data, use the string key, calculate the hash
the string key, use that hash to find all entries in the container with
that hash, then finally using string compares to search for the