I want add Current Time or Request Time in my header.
Please let me know which variable I can use in,
add_header X-Time $(TIME)
proxy_set_header X-Time $(TIME)
Posted at Nginx Forum:
I want add Current Time or Request Time in my header.
Please let me know which variable I can use in,
add_header X-Time $(TIME)
proxy_set_header X-Time $(TIME)
Posted at Nginx Forum:
you can use $time_local in order to do that.
hirenshah.05 wrote in post #1040101:
I want add Current Time or Request Time in my header.
Please let me know which variable I can use in,
add_header X-Time $(TIME)
proxy_set_header X-Time $(TIME)Thanks,
HirenPosted at Nginx Forum:
proxy_set_header X-Time (TIME)
Thanks for your reply.
I tried that. But looks like $time_local is only available for Log.
It does not recognize $time_local in Server section.
May be I am missing something. Is there way to make these variable
available in anywhere in nginx conf ?
Posted at Nginx Forum:
yeah that is a good idea to use lua-nginx module or if you have built
your nginx with perl then you can have a look at this as well
It is pretty much the same idea as Brian indicated.
Brian A. wrote in post #1040119:
something like:
set_by_lua $my_time “return ngx.time()”;
something like:
set_by_lua $my_time “return ngx.time()”;
Thanks for your help.
I found this,
I am using $date_gmt variable.
Posted at Nginx Forum:
Thanks Brian and Dhaval.
So there is no way other than installing additional module ??
Posted at Nginx Forum:
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