Can I set proxy_read_timeout for only a particular location which is
passed to apache?
- Grant
Can I set proxy_read_timeout for only a particular location which is
passed to apache?
Can I set proxy_read_timeout for only a particular location which is
passed to apache?
Posted at Nginx Forum:
Can I set proxy_read_timeout for only a particular location which is
passed to apache?
This config causes nginx to serve the request instead of apache:
location /for-apache.html {
proxy_read_timeout 30m;
Can I pass for-apache.html to apache and wait 30m for it?
Can I pass for-apache.html to apache and wait 30m for it?
In nginx, one request is handled in one location. Only the configuration
in, or inherited into, that location applies.To send to apache, you need the proxy_pass directive – which has
documentation at Module ngx_http_proxy_moduleSo the answer is “yes you can, but you have to configure it”.
Got it, thank you.
location /for-apache.html {
proxy_read_timeout 30m;
On Fri, Mar 08, 2013 at 09:49:39AM -0800, Grant wrote:
Hi there,
Can I set proxy_read_timeout for only a particular location which is
passed to apache?
That’s a good resource.
Module ngx_http_proxy_module redirects to the official
documentation for the directive, and if it says “context: location”,
then it can apply to a particular location.
This config causes nginx to serve the request instead of apache:
location /for-apache.html {
proxy_read_timeout 30m;
}Can I pass for-apache.html to apache and wait 30m for it?
In nginx, one request is handled in one location. Only the configuration
in, or inherited into, that location applies.
To send to apache, you need the proxy_pass directive – which has
documentation at Module ngx_http_proxy_module
So the answer is “yes you can, but you have to configure it”.
Francis D. [email protected]
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