Proxy_pass Cannot GET

nginx is working, but, when doing proxy_pass, gives me: Cannot GET

here are the lines I’ve added to nginx.conf

ProxyPass nodejs localhost:2345
ProxyPassReverse nodejs localhost:2345

2345 is where my node server is listening

I’m pointing chrome browser here:

any ideas to fix it? web.js here is my node server:

with apache ProxyPass[Reverse] this was working, but I’m trying nginx to
performance gains

Posted at Nginx Forum:

On 25 Oct 2013 10:47, “youreright” [email protected] wrote:

nginx is working, but, when doing proxy_pass, gives me: Cannot GET /nodejs

here are the lines I’ve added to nginx.conf

ProxyPass nodejs localhost:2345
ProxyPassReverse nodejs localhost:2345

You need to read the documentation, as those aren’t valid nginx config


sorry, copy/paste error: I have this:

#proxy_pass http://localhost:2345/;
#proxy_pass_reverse http://localhost:2345/;

location /nodejs {
proxy_pass http://localhost:2345/;
proxy_pass_reverse http://localhost:2345/;

Posted at Nginx Forum:

Nevermind, solved. I was looking at my httpd.conf instead of nginx.conf
then was able to fix from there.

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