I have a two phase setup commonly implemented with S3.
I want to set ETag and Last-Modified in my Rails application and have
them take precedence over the S3 ETag and Last-Modified.
location ^~ /AWSS3/ {
Prevent Client headers from going to nginx.
proxy_pass_request_headers off;
Prevent nginx from overwriting our headers.
proxy_hide_header “Content-Type”;
proxy_hide_header “Last-Modified”;
proxy_hide_header “ETag”;
proxy_hide_header “Content-Disposition”;
Hide Amazon Headers
proxy_hide_header X-Amz-Id-2;
proxy_hide_header X-Amz-Request-Id;
Have Amazon do the work buffering the request.
proxy_set_header Host ‘s3.amazonaws.com’; # the bucket is specified in
the url
Force Amazon to do the heavy lifting.
proxy_buffering off;
Retry if Amazon freaks out
proxy_next_upstream error timeout http_500 http_502 http_503 http_504;
Ensure the requests are always gets.
proxy_method GET;
proxy_pass_request_body off;
proxy_set_header Content-Length “”;
Proxy to S3.
proxy_pass http://s3/;
proxy_hide_header ETag;
proxy_hide_header Last-Modified;
What I see on my client is a valid Content-Type and
Content-Disposition set by my Rails application but ETag and
Last-Modified are not set. If I remove those proxy_hide_header
directives the Headers are present but they are the values S3 returns
not the values I returned from Rails.