Prototype & scriptaculous js lib loading error

I am trying to incorporate a js widget into my webapp…

the html file widget is running fine in my browsers (FF3, Safari
3…) , the js lib loading is defined as folloing :

I tried to run it into my Rails app as it (just changing the
directory, and adding the dragdrop.js I need)

I got it, BUT there is one js error in the console (so a button is not

Error : Element.display is not a function

which is on the line trying to display the button ,

Element.display(this.forwardElement, this.navScrollIndex <=
this.items.length - (this.setSize+1));

I already have seen this kind of error, and I wonder if it’s not
linked to scriptaculous lib loading ?

any clue ?

Got it, the widget is using Prototype 1.6.0 where the display function
IS defined :

display: function(element, bShow) {
if(bShow) {; } else
{ Element.hide(element); }

but my Rails app is using Protoype where this function IS NOT
defined, is it a bug or not ??

On Sep 13, 10:40 am, Erwin [email protected] wrote:

Got it, the widget is using Prototype 1.6.0 where the display function
IS defined :

display: function(element, bShow) {
if(bShow) {; } else
{ Element.hide(element); }

but my Rails app is using Protoype where this function IS NOT
defined, is it a bug or not ??

Well it’s not in the prototype api docs. There’s nothing stopping you
just sticking that function in though.
