On Wed, Jan 04, 2006 at 08:04:45AM +0900, James Edward G. II wrote:
[SOLUTION] implies [QUIZ], I think, so we can drop the repatition.
Of course, now what you are suppose to put in the subject is getting
more complicated, which probably decreases the chance that it will
happen. That might be a reason to stick with just [QUIZ]. Opinions?
I think prefacing subject lines with [QUIZ] makes good sense, and it can
be encouraged by having a header or footer in new quiz threads that
makes that convention known to readers. Confusing the issue by asking
people to use two different subject preface terms will probably just
lead to more people accidentally ignoring the convention, however, and I
think needlessly complicates the situation, so I’d advocate sticking
with [QUIZ] for all of it.
It has been suggested that other preface terms be used for other traffic
here. I don’t see this as being a particularly likely convention to
actually help anything, since it won’t be specifically prompted in
threads that are started by someone not in a position to necessarily
know about these conventions. For instance, someone new to the list
might not notice that he or she is supposed to start question thread
subjects with [QUESTION] (to say nothing of the fact that’s quite a bit
of extra typing), and a convention like that is worse than no such
convention when it’s only adhered to haphazardly, in my opinion.
If the traffic is bothering people, we could also consider moving
Ruby Q. to it’s own mailing list. Do speak up, if we’re bugging
I’d prefer to keep it on ruby-talk, personally. I don’t really
participate, so I wouldn’t pick up the new list, but I like to see what
quizzes come up, and I like to think about the problem domain when I see
it. I guess what I’m saying is that it’s better for the lazy readers
like myself to have it on ruby-talk rather than making it separate.
Chad P. [ CCD CopyWrite | http://ccd.apotheon.org ]
print substr(“Just another Perl hacker”, 0, -2);