Proper way to either create or append to an array?

Hi all.

Let’s say I want to either create a new named array or append to that
array if it already exists. Is there a more elegant way of doing the

@foo[:bar].nil? ? foo[:bar] = [“snafu”] : foo[:bar] << “snafu”



Adam B. wrote:

Hi all.

Let’s say I want to either create a new named array or append to that
array if it already exists. Is there a more elegant way of doing the

@foo[:bar].nil? ? foo[:bar] = [“snafu”] : foo[:bar] << “snafu”

I would use:

@foo[:bar] ||= []
@foo[:bar] << “snafu”

There probably is more compact, but I find this writing very readable
when you’re used to it (though, admittedly somehow puzzling for the



Adam B. wrote:

Let’s say I want to either create a new named array or append to that
array if it already exists. Is there a more elegant way of doing the

@foo[:bar].nil? ? foo[:bar] = [“snafu”] : foo[:bar] << “snafu”

Dunno if you’d call it elegant, but I frequently write:

( @foo[:bar] ||= [] ) << “snafu”

On 20.01.2007 18:55, Adam B. wrote:

Hi all.

Let’s say I want to either create a new named array or append to that
array if it already exists. Is there a more elegant way of doing the

@foo[:bar].nil? ? foo[:bar] = [“snafu”] : foo[:bar] << “snafu”

Since you’re using a Hash the block constructor is the most elegant
solution IMHO:

def initialize
@foo = {|h,k| h[k]=[]}


def other_method

@foo[:bar] << “snafu”


Kind regards


Robert K. wrote:

Since you’re using a Hash the block constructor is the most elegant
solution IMHO:

def initialize
@foo = {|h,k| h[k]=[]}


To be clear for those unfamiliar with this: any time you ask for the
value of a key that doesn’t exist, the block will be called (which
creates a new empty array). This means you can never see this
particular Hash has a key, since:
if @foo[ :bar ]
will always succeed, and create a (possibly unwanted) array instance in
the process.

Rob B. wrote:


if myhash.has_key? :missing
I prefer to use include?, since it also works on arrays:

irb(main):006:0> [‘foo’,‘bar’].include? ‘bar’
=> true

On Jan 20, 2007, at 1:15 PM, Phrogz wrote:

value of a key that doesn’t exist, the block will be called (which
creates a new empty array). This means you can never see this
particular Hash has a key, since:
if @foo[ :bar ]
will always succeed, and create a (possibly unwanted) array
instance in
the process.

That’s only because you’re not checking for the presence of a key

myhash = { |h,k| h[k] = }
=> {}
if myhash[:oops]
puts “nothing”
=> nil
=> {:oops=>[]}
if myhash.has_key? :missing
puts “:missing contains #{myhash[:missing] * ', '}”
=> nil
=> {:oops=>[]}

If you know that your code isn’t using the block initialization, then
the first form might be OK. However, the #has_key? will always do
what you expect. This is particularly true if the value can be nil
or false.


Rob B.
[email protected]

Phrogz wrote:

value of a key that doesn’t exist, the block will be called (which
creates a new empty array). This means you can never see this
particular Hash has a key, since:
if @foo[ :bar ]
will always succeed, and create a (possibly unwanted) array instance in
the process.

What if foo[:bar] has been assigned a value of false?
That method of checking for the presence of a key is
too crude even for awk. Note below that the mere
attempt to access the value of a key creates an
entry for that key if it doesn’t already exist.

SUBSEP = “^”
a[22,“yes”] = 88
a[33] = 99

The wrong way.

if ( a[“bar”] )
print “How did ‘bar’ get here?”

The right way.

if ( “foo” in a )
print “‘foo’ too?”

Any unauthorized entries?

for (key in a)
print key

— output -----