a = “pass”
b = a.dup
b = “fail”
puts a
fails the test. I tried with clone also. What is the proper syntax for
what I am trying to do?
a = “pass”
b = a.dup
b = “fail”
puts a
fails the test. I tried with clone also. What is the proper syntax for
what I am trying to do?
Am 06.05.2012 12:54, schrieb ruby gem:
a = “pass”
b = a.dup
b = “fail”
puts afails the test. I tried with clone also. What is the proper syntax for
what I am trying to do?
I’m not sure what you’re trying to accomplish with this code. When this
finishes executing, it will output “pass”; maybe you could explain why
this isn’t what you expect?
Btw. the `b’ variable is entirely useless because you don’t use it for
it is working for me I made a typo in my original test. I don’t see how
I could make a mistake with such a small test but I did, thanks.
If you run ruby with full warnings enabled (-w command line option),
you get warnings when a method is redefined - this might help here.
– Matma R.
okay -w doesn’t show any warning about this so it isn’t that. I have
also observed that .xor! with dup works as expected in some cases. Here
is an example showing where it works as expected
require ‘xor’
require ‘openssl’
@a = “aaaaaaa”
b = @a.dup
puts @a
puts b
puts @a
puts b
[binary string formatting doesn’t display here]
however, here is what I have simplified my script that I need to work to
require ‘xor’
require ‘openssl’
@sha256 = OpenSSL::Digest::SHA256.new
@l = @sha256.digest(“whatever”)
cloned_l = @l.dup
subkey = @sha256.digest(“whatever2”)
puts @l
puts cloned_l
puts @l
puts cloned_l
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I am absolutely lost on why it is not working correctly here because it
seems to be the same exact pattern to me?! Can anyone see what is going
I think it is possible one of my gems is overriding the default behavior
of dup, fast_xor:
cloned_l = @l.dup
puts @l
puts cloned_l
cipher = OpenSSL::Cipher::Cipher.new ‘AES-256-CTR’
cipher.key = cloned_l.xor!(subkey)
ciphertext = cipher.update(@r)
ciphertext << cipher.final
@r = ciphertext
puts @l
puts cloned_l
톭qWOʁ/@�FI�#����//��͟}��l 톭qWOʁ/@�FI
is it possible for gem to over ride dup in this way? And if so how would
you suggest going about this? my @l value changes over time and how it
changes is based on previous versions.
However, fast_xor only supports in place operations and sometimes I need
get @l.xor! without the in place because it makes it so my @l value
isn’t what it should be the next time I actually do need to change it.
I thought making a dup of it when I
need its current value, but don’t want to change the original string,
would work. But it seems like it doesn’t work because if it did it
should output this
can you think of an elegant way to do this? I don’t want to have to keep
adding and taking a bunch of things out of hashes but I am starting to
think that is the only option. I don’t want to take the massive speed
hit of using a pure ruby implementation of xor because fast_xor is 1000
times faster and this is for a cryptographic process so I don’t want a
ruby xor speed bottle neck when all the rest of the intensive stuff is
being done in C (a language I do not know, and am not really good at
writing wrappers at all, so I would prefer to use fast_xor even if it
requires some fairly ugly code to get the behavior I need)
okay I think it is either a bug in .dup or more likely a bug in .xor!,
because if it works or not depends on the string size:
@l = “aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa”
cloned_l = @l.dup
subkey = “bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb”
puts @l
puts cloned_l
puts @l
puts cloned_l
[formating doesn’t show up]
@l = “aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa”
cloned_l = @l.dup
subkey = “bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb”
puts @l
puts cloned_l
puts @l
puts cloned_l
[formating doesn’t show up]
[formating doesn’t show up]
I think the bug must actually be in .xor! because if I replace that step
with .upcase! it still works as expected. So I guess my issue this
entire time has been a buggy gem. Hopefully I can find another fast way
to xor strings together…
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