I’m curious on the best practice to remedy this situation…
I created a habtm migration but forgot the :id => false
I ran the migration (rake db:migrate)
I tried to run my tests and then go the error that made me realize I
the :id => false.
The question is how do I back out my changes?
Typically I do rake db:migrate VERSION=0
But that also gave me the same error about “Primary key is not allowed
in a
has_and_belongs_to_many join table”
So I then fired up dbconsole and manually dropped the table.
But now I even if I run rake db:migrate the join table isn’t created -
probably because it ‘think’ it had run it previously.
I also can’t run db:migrate VERSION=0, since it tries to call the drop
on the table that I manually dropped.
I managed to get things working by commented out my drop_table command
in my
migration and then running db:migrate VERSION=0, then doing rake
and now I’m ok, but I’d think there would have been easier approach to
Typically I do rake db:migrate VERSION=0
But that also gave me the same error about “Primary key is not allowed in a
has_and_belongs_to_many join table”
So I then fired up dbconsole and manually dropped the table.
But now I even if I run rake db:migrate the join table isn’t created -
probably because it ‘think’ it had run it previously.
I believe the problem you’ve been running into is that your schema
migrations table still has the number of the migration(s) you removed
manually. When the rake task runs it sees the numbers there and says
“OK, that one is done” so it skips the migration. I think the best
thing to do in that case is to manually delete the record(s) in the
schema migrations table in order to be able to rerun them.
I managed to get things working by commented out my drop_table
command in my migration and then running db:migrate VERSION=0, then
doing rake db:migrate
and now I’m ok, but I’d think there would have been easier approach
to fix things?
Rick R
Well, there are at least two ways:
Create a table with the same name so that the down migration will
be able to DROP it and then recreate it.
rake db:migrate:redo
might work for this (since you didn’t specify your rails version)
Make db:migrate think that you’re at the right version
2a) for older ActiveRecord, set the version in the schema_info table
from the database console
update schema_info set version = ###;
2b) for newer ActiveRecord, remove the migration from the
schema_migrations table
delete from schema_migrations where version = “201012ddhhmmss”;
Then you can run your db:migrate (which you’ve already fixed).