Progression as beginner

I have been learning ruby for the last couple of days and have found it
great so far, I come from a Java background so many concepts and even
some of the syntax sticks. What’s troubling me is that there are no
highly active Ruby forums or community that I can join as this is
something that really helped me learn Java as a beginner, also since I’m
new to the language I am unsure of what kind of projects I can get into
to help me progress.

The following project list is what I am using as a project guide to aide
me in my Java:

And I use many Java forums to aide me along the way.

Is there some sort of alternative in Ruby?

Can anyone please advise me as I feel really frustrated.

Listen to the ruby rogues podcast. Subscribe to Ruby Tapas.

On Sun, Dec 15, 2013 at 7:15 PM, abdul hussain [email protected]

This mailing list is a good place to ask questions as well as learn from

Lots of rubyists are also tweeters.

The Ruby IRC channel on is also quite full and

I don’t know of web forums, as that is a medium I cannot stand working

Stackoverflow has a large number of ruby-related questions and a lot of
people willing to answer questions as well.

Github is chock full of ruby projects – it seems to be the defacto
location for rubyists.

But for real community, there’s probably nothing better than a local
users group.

On Sun, Dec 15, 2013 at 9:44 PM, Russell [email protected] wrote:

Listen to the ruby rogues podcast. Subscribe to Ruby Tapas.

Both of those are really good sources, as well as Railscasts, which is
currently on hiatus, but has a lot of back catalog available.

On Mon, Dec 16, 2013 at 2:15 AM, abdul hussain [email protected]

What’s troubling me is that there are no
highly active Ruby forums or community that I can join as this is
something that really helped me learn Java as a beginner, […]

I’d say you are in the primary group for Ruby development right here -
either via the forum or the mailing list (they are connected).

On Mon, Dec 16, 2013 at 12:56 PM, abdul hussain [email protected]

Thanks guys I’ll keep trying. I tried to get to the irc though I’m on
Windows so could not find a way to use it.

Trillian works pretty well although you have to subscribe to their
service. Another option I found pretty good is FireFox extension

Thunderbird works as well but I’d prefer Chatzilla.



On Dec 16, 2013 5:56 AM, “abdul hussain” [email protected] wrote:

Thanks guys I’ll keep trying. I tried to get to the irc though I’m on
Windows so could not find a way to use it.

Http:// I think.

Join channel Ruby

Thanks guys I’ll keep trying. I tried to get to the irc though I’m on
Windows so could not find a way to use it.