Profiling with oprofile

Hello group!

I tried oprofile with [1] and got interresting

= Preparations =

First start oprofile as root (required) with


Disable the kernel image (only needed for kerenl profiling which we do
not), enable “per application profiles” and let the remaining options
disabled and start the profiler.
On a second shell prepare (as root again) a call to opcontrol to get a
exact shot of my symple run:

opcontrol --session=some_session_name

This will save all previous data to session “some_session_name”. To be
exact, the generic session “current” will be saved to that name, all
counters reset and a new session “current” will be created.
In a third shell (screen is your friend) prepare to start the FM

$ ./ -f89.2

Note: Until now we have a running profiler which dumps data about the
whole system to the “current” session, a prepared command to create a
new session an a command line for a program ready to run.

= Profiling =

Profiling is easy:

  • Start the programm
  • Start a new session: # opcontrol --session=some_session_name
  • Listen and/or watch GNURadio do its work for a reasonable time, say 1
    minute [2]
  • Save all your recorded data in new session: # opcontrol
  • Stop the programm (^C)

= Analysis =

== opreport ==

opreport gives us info about the data we collected. Without a session
the “current” session is used, other sessions can be examined with
appended “session:my_session_name”. To get statistics for a certain
binary, just add the path to that binary. For GNURadio the binary is
python which calls GNURadio as library. The option -r reverses sorting,
printing most active parts last. The option -l lists all symbols with
the corresponding data (performance counters and percentage)

$ opreport -rl session:gnuradio_wfm_nogui_1 /usr/lib/python

== opannotate ==

Another really useful tool: opannotate. It locates the corresponding
source code via symbol tables and adds information about runtime.
It can produce annotated assembler code, or, when the binaries are not
stripped, annotated C/C++ code. Quite nice. Just add -o
my_output_directory to tell it where to store the annotated code (no, it
wont mess with the originals :-)), and of course the binary, we want our
date to be relative to the program that was running, not the whole

$ mkdir annotated
$ opannotate -D smart session:gnuradio_wfm_nogui_1 --source -o annotated

Voilà! Have a look at the files in the annotated directory. You’ll find
something like that from
gr-build/gnuradio-core/src/lib/filter/float_dotprod_sse.S :

414  1.3286 :        mulps   (%edx), %xmm0 /* .loop2 total:   7982

25.6154 */ 1054 3.3824 : addps %xmm2, %xmm6
71 0.2278 : movaps 0x20(%eax), %xmm2
587 1.8838 : mulps 0x10(%edx), %xmm1
1318 4.2296 : addps %xmm3, %xmm7
159 0.5103 : movaps 0x30(%eax), %xmm3
334 1.0719 : mulps 0x20(%edx), %xmm2
1261 4.0467 : addps %xmm0, %xmm4
262 0.8408 : movaps 0x40(%eax), %xmm0
203 0.6515 : mulps 0x30(%edx), %xmm3

and so on.

You see, .loop2 in float_dotprod_sse.S has quite a lot to do.

= Interpreting data =

oprofile is a statistical profiler, so the gathered data is not exact.
You probably don’t want to rely too much on fractional portions of
numbers given. But it gives a good overview.

= Results from ./ =

I let ./ run for one minute, and the most
interresting symbols where:

1929 6.1904 .loop1
2503 8.0325
gr_fir_ccf_simd::filter(std::complex const*)
5656 18.1509 .loop2
5720 18.3563 gr_fast_atan2f(float, float)
7982 25.6154 .loop2

Which add up to some 76 percent of run time.

  • .loop1 is in gnuradio-core/src/lib/filter/fcomplex_dotprod_sse.S
  • gr_fir_ccf_simd::filter(std::complex const*) is in
  • first .loop2 (18.1509) is in
  • gr_fast_atan2f(float, float) is in
  • second .loop2 () is in


[1] the FM receiver that runs on my PIII 450 without hiccups…
[2] oprofile is a statistical profiling system: It has a look at the
system from time to time, resulting in statistical data, preferably
from a long time period to get reasonable good results.

Engineers motto: cheap, good, fast: choose any two
Patrick S.
Student of Telematik, Techn. University Graz, Austria

On Wed, Jun 07, 2006 at 09:20:13PM +0200, Patrick S. wrote:

Hello group!

I tried oprofile with [1] and got interresting results.

Thanks for the nice write up. Oprofile is a great tool.
