Love Rails…
I’m looking for a Production Quality Server that brings the same ease of
use as Rails does to web development.
I’ve tried TextDrive, and never got it to work. I’m sure there are good
reasons why it didn’t work but they are beyond me. I’ve contacted tech
support there several times, and it seems that there are so many setups
that I’ve never hit upon the right combination. (I take full
responsiblity, it’s not their fault) I’ve set up several Linux servers
and Windows Servers, so I’m not a neophyte. But I need a solution that
doesn’t require me being a Savant either.
I’m waiting for Railsbase aka railsapphosting.com, but that doesn’t seem
to be happening.
I use Locomotive on the Mac and it’s incredible!!! but I’m afraid this
isn’t a production enviroment.
The production Server doesn’t need to support clustering or fail-over,
just an easy to setup, robust and quick server.
I’m thinking about Ubuntu as the Linux Distribution which appears to be
a stable easy to setup linux, and then installing LiteSpeed webserver,
which appears to be faily simple to install and quick. (The Standard
Version is Free) Any thoughts on this setup?
Also I’m open to any other suggestions. I would love to have a
locomotive type install on a MacMini ($499). Maybe I’m wrong… Is
Locomotive Production Quality? and that’s my answer right there?
Thanks for any thoughts.
On Feb 7, 2006, at 10:39 AM, John L. wrote:
Also I’m open to any other suggestions. I would love to have a
locomotive type install on a MacMini ($499). Maybe I’m wrong… Is
Locomotive Production Quality? and that’s my answer right there?
I was wondering about this as well. Is there any reason that doing
Apache proxies to a bunch of lighttpd ports through Locomotive
wouldn’t be suitable for production, as long as the production
environment was selected in locomotive? Seems like that on an xserve
would be the easiest path to dedicated deployment.
A linux distribution pre-configured to run Rails apps, MySQL,
subversion and trac and a VPS host where this can be easily deployed and
‘Just Works’ is sorely needed.
A VPS host that provides this service will definitely get my business.
I’ve got a lifetime account at a host frequently suggested for Rails
but I’m tired of my servers going down at least once for an hour each
day. I
hate having to make excuses on the host’s behalf to my client.
I may have to bite the bullet and set up my own Linux box but I’d rather
spend that time working on my app.
Until someone sets up that service you may want to consider 1) a VPS
with good support, 2) some good instructions.
- http://rimuhosting.com/
- Ruby on Rails Blog / What is Ruby on Rails for?
I’m a customer of rimu and the vps seems to be solid. I used to be with
textdrive. Several of us have configured VPS’s using Ezra’s
I’ve been curious about this for a little while. What kind of
features might you be looking for in a PQS? Are you talking about a
hosting provider, or something you can install yourself say at you
company? I ask because people have been bugging me for an
“application server” similar to what the Java world has. Any feature
lists might motivate me to actually write the damn thing along with
Zed A. Shaw
On Feb 7, 2006, at 1:39 PM, John L. wrote:
Love Rails…
I’m looking for a Production Quality Server that brings the same
ease of
use as Rails does to web development.
> Also I'm open to any other suggestions. I would love to have a
> locomotive type install on a MacMini ($499). Maybe I'm wrong... Is
> Locomotive Production Quality? and that's my answer right there?
On 2/8/06, John L. [email protected] wrote:
I’m waiting for Railsbase aka railsapphosting.com, but that doesn’t seem
to be happening.
I’m not trying to convince you to wait, but it is happening - just
taking a while.
There’s a group of us working full time on nothing but RailsBase.
Hi Zed,
Thanks for reading.
I would deploy my rails applications as either standalone boxes at
client’s sites to use as an intranet, or colocated on a dedicated box at
a data cetner.
My needs are for a fast stable easy to configure web server so for me
that would include:
Easy to use disto of Linux (ubuntu?)
Database (mysql or postgres)
WebServer (rather not have apache since it seems like it’s a
configuration nightmare, LiteSpeed or Lighthttpd?), hopefully would
support virtual hosts
Email Functionality to allow my rails app to process and send email
remote access via SSH
I really think that would do it for me.
Thanks again for thinking about this.
Zed S. wrote:
I’ve been curious about this for a little while. What kind of
features might you be looking for in a PQS? Are you talking about a
hosting provider, or something you can install yourself say at you
company? I ask because people have been bugging me for an
“application server” similar to what the Java world has. Any feature
lists might motivate me to actually write the damn thing along with
I think the feature list is quite small…
script/server replacement that performs at a significant
fraction of lighttpd+fcgi/scgi.
– Tom M.
Tom M. wrote:
I think the feature list is quite small…
script/server replacement that performs at a significant
fraction of lighttpd+fcgi/scgi.
However, replacing script/server keeps the server in the project…
hence it’s not a
“container” or “application server”.
I think the single most important contribution the java world brought to
the web world was
the servlet container. Having a multi-threaded server process into which
I can hook and
unhook my apps at will is an essential piece of code. The enterprise
world will not take
ruby and rails seriously until we can do that.
PS: for Zed… multi-threaded… standalone process… apps can be
added/removed simply by
putting them in a webapp directory or through configuration… maybe
give it the ability
to maintain db connection pools. I’d say the main battle, however, is
getting it stable
and fast while being multi-threaded.
On 08/02/06, Zed S. [email protected] wrote:
I’ve been curious about this for a little while. What kind of
features might you be looking for in a PQS? Are you talking about a
hosting provider, or something you can install yourself say at you
company? I ask because people have been bugging me for an
“application server” similar to what the Java world has. Any feature
lists might motivate me to actually write the damn thing along with
What I’d personally love is a something not a million miles away from
the current SCGI runner that can integrate with our existing apache
install. At the moment we’re using rails for a lot of the back end
stuff for a busy e-commerce system with a view to rewriting the whole
lot in ruby in the near future with a probable long term goal of
converting the public facing side too.
I’m still using v0.3 of the SCGI runner with mod_scgi with just one
child running and it’s handling production backend and development
needs marvellously. I understand there were some issues with the
internal loadbalancing when running multiple children as newer
releases don’t have this option.
I can see that this single-child approach won’t grow to the public
frontend as we’re essentially serialising all requests into the one
application runner. The only way around this I’ve seen is to use
lighttpd as a proxy to load balance a cluster of scgi runners (because
of the ports issue with SCGIMount and mod_scgi). It strikes me a
little draft to run two webservers on the same box but I’d be
interested to hear other people’s experiences with
apache/lighttpd/scgi. I’m considering the possibility of using
something like balance[1] to sit between mod_scgi and the cluster of
scgi runners but this maybe a sledgehammer / walnut solution.
We don’t have the luxury of being able to chuck out the existing php
codebase and it’s going to take a while to get the rest of the team up
to speed with rails (and sometimes the ‘devil on your shoulder’ that
is php is too tempting to resist…), so something that could
unobtrusively sit in our existing apache / php setup that could handle
a fair amount of traffic would be ideal.
Mongrel looks very promising and I’m interested to see what it drives
in the next release of the SCGI runner. I’m heartened with all your
efforts in this area Zed, and only wish I could offer some help in the
Thanks again,
[1] - Balance :: Balance by Inlab Networks
Hammed, I second Kelly’s sentiment. I am using a dedicated server at
LayeredTech, and setting up the server with Ezra’s document was a
breeze. I must say that I do have a little bit of background in the
systems/db admin area, but it had been a while for me and Ezra’s
instructions are excellent and work out of the box! If you are having
issues with availability and cannot afford the rather out of reach price
of dedicated boxes on some hosts, you could try ServerBeach, LayeredTech
(very good imo) or RIMU (see Ezra’s note regarding memory on http://
brainspl.at )
I can’t wait till Ezra’s book (or at least the pdf) comes out. There is
a sore need for relevant docs/guides in this particular area.
I’m using file_column to handle image uploads etc.
I want to access the image width in the view in order to do some
Is there a easy way to get to the rmagick attributes through
file_column, of an image from a view? -or a controller for that matter.
any insight will be appreciated
Hey Amr,
Nice name
I read Ezra’s instructions on setting up Debian. I think I’ll give it a
on a test RIMU account. Ditto on the book - can’t wait.
On 9 Feb 2006 22:36:33 -0000, Amr M.
[email protected]