Process environment requires procfs(5)

I know this has been brought up before but I’m receiving the error …

Process environment requires procfs(5)

… when trying to restart my cluster. I’ve narrowed it down to
‘find_pid’ method in init.rb. I’m running a FreeBSD 6.2 server and
mongrel_cluster version 1.0.5. The command that gives me the error is

ps -ewwo pid,command

… but I’ve been able to narrow it even further to just the “e” flag.
When I run a ps e I get the error as well. Now, this is possibly a
server setup issue. I believe it’s related to the fact that my ps
output for each mongrel instance only says “[ruby18]” and not the much
longer but expected output of …

/usr/local/bin/ruby18 /usr/local/bin/mongrel_rails start -d -e
production …

I’m fully ready to call my hosting provider to find out if they can help
but I’m wondering if anyone on the list has thoughts about this. My
restarts won’t run successfully because the pidfile isn’t being found
due to the fact that the process isn’t being fully listed. Just the
“[ruby18]” is showing up for my mongrel processes and cluster can’t
parse that for the pid filename
