Hi there,
I’m trying to create a parser that creates a statemachine, using the
statemachine gem, from a scxml file. But I got stuck when I started
dealing with proc.
I can’t understand why it works when I do this:
action = @actions.last
procedure = proc {@@logger.puts action if (action and @@logger)}
But not work when I do this:
action = @actions
procedure = proc {
action.each do |a|
case a[0]
when ‘log’
@@logger.puts a[1]
when ‘send’
@@queue.send(a[1], a[2])
(at first I was only dealing with one possibility (‘log’) and now I’m
trying to make it able to treat multiple possibilities.)
I then use ‘procedure’ as a parameter here:
if (@transitions.last.target != nil) # if it has a target state
@transitions.last.target.to_sym, procedure)
else # it is its own target state
@state.last.id.to_sym, procedure)
Best regards,