def foo(&block) if block
p foo {
=> “baz”
Now, any ideas on how to make it return
=> [“bar”, “baz”]
I’ve been tryin all night -_-
def foo(&block) if block
p foo {
=> “baz”
Now, any ideas on how to make it return
=> [“bar”, “baz”]
I’ve been tryin all night -_-
Ryan L. wrote:
def foo(&block) if block
endp foo {
}=> “baz”
Now, any ideas on how to make it return
=> [“bar”, “baz”]
How about:
irb(main):010:0> def foo(&block); if block; end
=> nil
irb(main):011:0> foo { [“bar”, “baz”]}
=> [“bar”, “baz”]
And you could explode it to multiple variables like this:
irb(main):021:0> a,b = *foo { [“bar”, “baz”]}
=> [“bar”, “baz”]
irb(main):022:0> a
=> “bar”
irb(main):023:0> b
=> “baz”
Andreas W. wrote:
You dont understand, I’m making a simple HTML module for easy document
The code will look like this:
HTML::body {
HTML::h1 {
“zomg headers”
Assuming HTML::h1 returns “
Ryan L. wrote:
The code will look like this:
HTML::body {
HTML::h1 {
“zomg headers”
}Assuming HTML::h1 returns “
zomg headers
”, HTML::body will only
return “zomg headers
But I need it to return [“blahblah”, “zomg headers
Maybe you should look into Ruby CGI. Its a part of the standard library:
Here is a good introduction:
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Datum: Fri, 30 May 2008 21:22:33 +0900
Von: Ryan L. [email protected]
An: [email protected]
Betreff: Re: Proc multiple returns?
Andreas W. wrote:
Dear Ryan,
Assuming HTML::h1 returns “
zomg headers
”, HTML::body will only
return “zomg headers
But I need it to return [“blahblah”, “zomg headers
The function will always return the last statement - you could
return an Array like this:
HTML::body {
[ “blahblah”,
HTML::h1 {
“zomg headers”
-or use ‘return’ you want to return several arguments, like
def func; return 1,2,3; end
=> a=1,b=2,c=3
Best regards,
You cant use the return function within procs.
What I’m tryin to figure out is how to push each return into an array.
There /has/ to be a hack for this.
Andreas W. wrote:
Ryan L. wrote:
The code will look like this:
HTML::body {
HTML::h1 {
“zomg headers”
}Assuming HTML::h1 returns “
zomg headers
”, HTML::body will only
return “zomg headers
But I need it to return [“blahblah”, “zomg headers
”]Maybe you should look into Ruby CGI. Its a part of the standard library: is a good introduction:
Yeah I know, I’ve looked at this before i started makin this. I’m really
makin this with intentions to build something better than just an html
parser thingy.
Hi –
On Fri, 30 May 2008, Ryan L. wrote:
=> “baz”
Now, any ideas on how to make it return
=> [“bar”, “baz”]I’ve been tryin all night -_-
def foo
yield if block_given? # no point doing it the slow way
p foo { [“bar”, “baz”] }
I have a feeling there may be something more to your question that I’m
not seeing.
On Fri, 30 May 2008, David A. Black wrote:
def foo
yield if block_given? # no point doing it the slow way
endp foo { [“bar”, “baz”] }
I have a feeling there may be something more to your question that I’m
not seeing.
Maybe this:
foo { break “bar”, “baz” }
David A. Black wrote:
On Fri, 30 May 2008, David A. Black wrote:
def foo
yield if block_given? # no point doing it the slow way
endp foo { [“bar”, “baz”] }
I have a feeling there may be something more to your question that I’m
not seeing.Maybe this:
foo { break “bar”, “baz” }
module HTML
def method_missing(meth, attr={}, &block)
html, attrs = “”, “”
attr.keys.each{ |key|
attrs << " #{key.to_s}='#{attr[key]}'" if attr[key]
html << "<#{meth.to_s}#{attrs}>"
html << if block #yes Dave, the long way =p for now
at least
html << “</#{meth.to_s}>”
module_function :method_missing
include HTML
p html {
body {
div(:class=>“divcls”) { “IM IN A DIVLOL” }
=> “
p html {
body {
div(:class=>“divcls”) { “IM IN THE FIRST DIV” }
div(:class=>“divcls”) { “IM IN THE SECOND DIV” }
=> “
So now I need to break convention and use:
p html {
body {
[div(:class=>“divcls”) { “IM IN THE FIRST DIV” },
div(:class=>“divcls”) { “IM IN THE SECOND DIV” }]
Which is just ugly. The CGI lib overcomes this problem but I have no
idea how to make this work…
On May 30, 2008, at 6:22 AM, Ryan L. wrote:
Assuming HTML::h1 returns “
zomg headers
”, HTML::body will
return “zomg headers
But I need it to return [“blahblah”, “zomg headers
it’s already written for you:
cfp:~ > cat a.rb
require ‘rubygems’
require ‘tagz’ ### gem install tagz @
def HTML(*a, &b) Tagz(*a, &b) end
html =
HTML do |html|
html << "blahblah"
h1_(:color => "red"){ "zomg headers" }
puts html
cfp:~ > ruby a.rb
blahblahif you really feel like reinventing the wheel read the code to see how
it’s done, it’s < 200 loc
Beautiful, thanks alot man!
On May 30, 2008, at 8:57 AM, Ryan L. wrote:
What I’m tryin to figure out is how to push each return into an array.
'this is just a value, not a return value - a noop'
[ 'this is a return value', 'and so is this' ]
There /has/ to be a hack for this.
nope, there doesn’t.
the best you can hope for is that this works:
div{ ‘foobar’ }
and so does this
div{ span{ ‘barfoo’ }; ‘foobar’ }
but this can never work
div{ ‘foobar’; span{‘barfoo’} }
because the ‘foobar’ is never returned or assigned it simply vanishes
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