Problems with validates_uniqueness_of

Hi to everybody, well i recently became a RoR developer, web i was
following the video class from Lynda, and i introduce more code in my
aplicacion, my application is a music store web site, ok so i add the
funcionality of add clients, for that i need from my client, his user
and password, so it will be 1 user per client, for that reason i use at
my model

validates_uniqueness_of :user

############## here is my model ###########3
class Customer < ActiveRecord::Base

has_many :orders

attr_accessible :first_name,:last_name,

validates_uniqueness_of :user


and when i run the application
and want to add a diferent user from those are exist it work fine,
bue when i want to add a user that is already add db it blow up
and apears this :
ArgumentError in CustomersController#create

 too few arguments

app/controllers/customers_controller.rb:71:in format' app/controllers/customers_controller.rb:71:increate’

ok so, what i found there was
70> flash[:notice] = ‘Error!!! intentelo de nuevo’
71> format.html { render :action => “new” }
72> format.xml { render :xml => @customer.errors, :status =>
:unprocessable_entity }

i change those , the first line for
70> flash[:notice] = ‘Error!!! intentelo de nuevo’
71> redirect_to (:action => ‘new’ )

with this change i fix the problem, but, nothing appear i mean the

message from the validates_uniqueness_of , it should appear that the
user is already in use or something similar.

Anyone can help me ?!?!!