Problems with thumbnails, attachment_fu

Hey, I’ve had this problem for about 2 months and never solved it.

Image model:
has_attachment :content_type => :image,
:max_size => 7.megabytes,
:resize_to => ‘1000x100>’,
:storage => :file_system,
:thumbnails => {
:tinyThumb => ‘144x108’,
:mediumThumb => ‘200x150’

This leaves me with 3 files in upload folder
1- 144x108 - correct
2 - 200x150 - incorrect
It seems to completely ignore the fact i want a 1000x1000 resized
copy. And for some reason gives me two mediumThumbs.

If i remove the resize_to alltogether I get the same results.

I tried adding:
:thumbnails => {
:tinyThumb => ‘144x108’,
:mediumThumb => ‘200x150’,
:large => ‘1000x1000>’

This leaves me 4 files. For what reason i have no idea.
2xtinyThumb- 144x108 - incorrect
2xmediumThumb- 200x150 - incorrect

My experience with attachment_fu so far has been inconsistant at best.
I cant find any solutions for the problem anywhere.

Also I do not recall which image processor i installed 2months ago. I
was going to start toying with attachment_fu’s processor specific
functions for better thumbnail quality. They look like garbage as is.
So if anyone knows a way I can find that out that would be nice.

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