hi guys–im also a newbie to RoR and programming in general so i
apologize in advance for the elementary questions im about to ask…but
i went to hive logic and began his tutorial. but i hit 2 snags–i’ve
emailed him and haven’t received a response that works for me. so if you
would be so kind, my issues are below:
- when i get to the stage that he says enter “mate ~/.profile”
when i entered “Mate ~/.profile”
i get a message from terminal that says “command not found” im not using
textmate im actually using textwrangler and when i substitute wrangler
or textwrangler or any permutation of that for “mate” in the code i get
the same error. however after following the other steps and going back
for the “which ruby” check i get this file path:
which is close but not exact to what they say i should have in the
2)when i got to install rails i get an HTTP error code of 403 which i
looked up and it says that code refers to “forbidden” request and i
thought ruby and rails was an open source program and should be able to
be installed by anybody
HELP! please