Problems with RoR on Leopard

hi guys–im also a newbie to RoR and programming in general so i
apologize in advance for the elementary questions im about to ask…but
i went to hive logic and began his tutorial. but i hit 2 snags–i’ve
emailed him and haven’t received a response that works for me. so if you
would be so kind, my issues are below:

  1. when i get to the stage that he says enter “mate ~/.profile”

when i entered “Mate ~/.profile”
i get a message from terminal that says “command not found” im not using
textmate im actually using textwrangler and when i substitute wrangler
or textwrangler or any permutation of that for “mate” in the code i get
the same error. however after following the other steps and going back
for the “which ruby” check i get this file path:
which is close but not exact to what they say i should have in the

2)when i got to install rails i get an HTTP error code of 403 which i
looked up and it says that code refers to “forbidden” request and i
thought ruby and rails was an open source program and should be able to
be installed by anybody

HELP! please

Pat Jones wrote:

hi guys–im also a newbie to RoR and programming in general so i
apologize in advance for the elementary questions im about to ask…but
i went to hive logic and began his tutorial.

I hope you didn’t follow their advice to build Ruby from source. That’s
a waste of time on Leopard.

but i hit 2 snags–i’ve
emailed him and haven’t received a response that works for me. so if you
would be so kind, my issues are below:

  1. when i get to the stage that he says enter “mate ~/.profile”

when i entered “Mate ~/.profile”
i get a message from terminal that says “command not found” im not using

Then why would you expect “mate” to work?

im actually using textwrangler and when i substitute wrangler
or textwrangler or any permutation of that for “mate” in the code i get
the same error.

I think TextWrangler’s shell command is “edit”, but you’ll have to check
the docs to be sure.

Anyway, it doesn’t really matter whether you use the command line or the
GUI to open your source files for editing.

however after following the other steps and going back
for the “which ruby” check i get this file path:
which is close but not exact to what they say i should have in the

Their tutorials assume you’ve installed a second copy of Ruby – which
is stupid. I think the copy in /usr/bin/ruby is the one that came with
Leopard, which should be fine. Just to be sure, though, what’s the
output of
ls -l /usr/bin/ruby

2)when i got to install rails i get an HTTP error code of 403 which i
looked up and it says that code refers to “forbidden” request and i
thought ruby and rails was an open source program and should be able to
be installed by anybody

sigh That doesn’t mean you’re not allowed to install Rails. It means
the server thinks you’re asking for something it doesn’t want to give
you. What was the exact command or operation that gave you the error

HELP! please


Marnen Laibow-Koser
[email protected]

I think TextWrangler’s shell command is “edit”, but you’ll have to check
the docs to be sure.

what docs? how do i check that?

Their tutorials assume you’ve installed a second copy of Ruby – which
is stupid. I think the copy in /usr/bin/ruby is the one that came with
Leopard, which should be fine. Just to be sure, though, what’s the
output of
ls -l /usr/bin/ruby
the output is the same “/usr/bin/ruby”

sigh That doesn’t mean you’re not allowed to install Rails. It means
the server thinks you’re asking for something it doesn’t want to give
you. What was the exact command or operation that gave you the error

the exact command is any of the following:

sudo gem install rails
sudo gem install mongrel
sudo gem install capistrano

thank you! Marnen

i tried “edit” that is infact the shell code. how do i determine a
program’s shell code for the future? thanks again!!!

any idea on the forbidden problem?

Pat Jones wrote:

I think TextWrangler’s shell command is “edit”, but you’ll have to check
the docs to be sure.

what docs? how do i check that?

TextWrangler comes with a PDF manual.

BTW, you might also want to check out KomodoEdit.

Their tutorials assume you’ve installed a second copy of Ruby – which
is stupid. I think the copy in /usr/bin/ruby is the one that came with
Leopard, which should be fine. Just to be sure, though, what’s the
output of
ls -l /usr/bin/ruby
the output is the same “/usr/bin/ruby”

Then you didn’t type the command I gave you. Please do what I asked and
copy and paste the entire output from that command.

sigh That doesn’t mean you’re not allowed to install Rails. It means
the server thinks you’re asking for something it doesn’t want to give
you. What was the exact command or operation that gave you the error

the exact command is any of the following:

sudo gem install rails
sudo gem install mongrel
sudo gem install capistrano

Are you behind a proxy? What’s the output of “gem env”?

thank you! Marnen

You’re welcome.


Marnen Laibow-Koser
[email protected]