Problems with multiple 'id' columns in a join_table

I have a problem declaring a relationship through a join_table ; the SQL
generated by ActiveRecord is correct, but there are two columns called
‘id’, and the final object gets the ‘wrong’ column …

Here’s a more detailed description of the data, code, and problem :-

There’s a People table, with id, name, and a few things.
Also a Relationships table, with id, subject, role, object.
subject and object are foreign keys into People.

The model declaration for ‘person’ says :-
class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
has_and_belongs_to_many :parents, :class_name=>“Person”,
:join_table=>“relationships”, :conditions=>“role =

    has_and_belongs_to_many :children, :class_name=>"Person",
            :join_table=>"relationships", :conditions=>"role = 

:foreign_key => “subject”,

and for ‘relationship’ is it :-
class Relationship < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :subject, :class_name=>“Person”
belongs_to :object, :class_name=>“Person”

Neither of these queries are quite right – they give the correct
collection of Person objects, but each of these objects has the wrong
“id” value.

The development log reveals the SQL being used in each case (for :-
(warning; wide lines)

Parents (which works) :-
mysql> SELECT * FROM people INNER JOIN relationships ON =
relationships.subject WHERE (relationships.object = 1 AND (role =
| id | family_name | personal_name | known_as | gender | created_at | updated_at | id | subject | role | object | created_at | updated_at |
| 6 | Cheetham | Bryan Harold | | m | 20060513211519 | 20060513211519 | 5 | 6 | parent | 1 | 20060513211832 | 20060513211832 |
| 5 | Hanton | Glenna Patricia | | f | 20060513211509 | 20060513211509 | 8 | 5 | parent | 1 | 20060513211903 | 20060513211903 |

mysql> SELECT * FROM people INNER JOIN relationships ON =
relationships.object WHERE (relationships.subject = 1 AND (role =
‘parent’)) ;
| id | family_name | personal_name | known_as | gender | created_at | updated_at | id | subject | role | object | created_at | updated_at |
| 3 | Cheetham | Alexander Benjamin Osborn | Alex | m | 20060513211442 | 20060513211442 | 1 | 1 | parent | 3 | 20060513211759 | 20060513211759 |
| 4 | Osborn | Katherine Freya Cheetham | Katie | f | 20060513211455 | 20060513211455 | 2 | 1 | parent | 4 | 20060513211806 | 20060513211806 |

In each query I can see two columns named ‘id’ – the first one is the, which I want, and the second one is the,
which I do not. But it’s the second one being used to populate the final
Person object.

How do I state the model habtm to avoid this problem? If my
Relationships table had no id column I guess that would help, but I need
to be able to talk to it normally elsewhere in the app, and therefore I
think I should be keeping ‘id’ …

I think it has something to do with the warning in the habtm api
":join_table - specify the name of the join table if the default based
on lexical order isn’t what you want. WARNING: If you’re overwriting
the table name of either class, the table_name method MUST be declared
underneath any has_and_belongs_to_many declaration in order to work. "

But unfortunately I don’t understand what I should do …


Jim C. wrote:

I have a problem declaring a relationship through a join_table ; the SQL
generated by ActiveRecord is correct, but there are two columns called
‘id’, and the final object gets the ‘wrong’ column …

In each query I can see two columns named ‘id’ – the first one is the, which I want, and the second one is the,
which I do not. But it’s the second one being used to populate the final
Person object.

How do I state the model habtm to avoid this problem? If my
Relationships table had no id column I guess that would help, but I need
to be able to talk to it normally elsewhere in the app, and therefore I
think I should be keeping ‘id’ …

Take a look at these, they might help:

Josh S.

On Tue, May 16, 2006 at 04:22:52AM +0200, Josh S. wrote:

Jim C. wrote:

I have a problem declaring a relationship through a join_table ; the SQL
generated by ActiveRecord is correct, but there are two columns called
‘id’, and the final object gets the ‘wrong’ column …

Take a look at these, they might help:

I did :slight_smile: but they didn’t :frowning: which is probably more my fault than

I thought I’d got a suitably nice set of declarations, but in practice I
keep on seeing complaints about invalid source reflection, or an
application crash :frowning:

So another hint would be appreciated.


On Tue, May 16, 2006 at 10:09:22AM +0200, Josh S. wrote:

If you are using has_and_belongs_to_many, you shouldn’t have an id field
in the join table. If you need the id field in the join table, which
implies you are storing extra attributes there, use has_many :through.

Ah, yes :slight_smile: I got that part of the message.

I thought I’d understood the idea, and established a has_many from
People to Relationships, and then tried to set up another has_many going
:through that back out to People again. I’ll spare you the precise
details of what I tried, because that was a few edits ago and I didn’t
preserve it. However, there was a fatal complaint about a missing
:source that I couldn’t satisfy.

But reading into habtm options a little further revealed that I could
use :select to drop the entire Relationships table (and therefore the
conflicting ID column). This now works fine for me.

If p is the object of a relationship, p is a child (ATM)

has_and_belongs_to_many :children, :class_name=>‘Person’,
:foreign_key=>:subject, :association_foreign_key=>:object,
:select=>“people.*”, :conditions=>“role=‘parent’”

There may well be a neater, DRYer way to express my table
interrelationships, but at the moment this will do. Thanks for the
references; I’ll keep trying for my “aha!” moment :slight_smile:


Jim C. wrote:

So another hint would be appreciated.

If you are using has_and_belongs_to_many, you shouldn’t have an id field
in the join table. If you need the id field in the join table, which
implies you are storing extra attributes there, use has_many :through.

Josh S.