Problems with Loading Encrypted Data from Fixtures

Hello everyone,

I would like to use attr_encrypted and to do this, I need to get my
singing that song.

I have this in my fixtures …

encrypted_email: <%= “#{Encryptor.encrypt(:value => ‘[email protected]’, :key
‘some secret key’)}” %>

YAML obviously doesn’t like the type of characters being produced
by Encryptor.encrypt because I’m getting the error …

a YAML error occurred parsing
Please note that YAML must be consistently indented using spaces. Tabs
not allowed. Please have a look at YAML Ain't Markup Language

Does anyone know how I can escape those chars nicely to play with
Wrapping the output in double quotes hasn’t worked as you can see.

If anyone could help me out here, It’d be much appreciated

Thank you


On Aug 13, 2011, at 5:50 AM, Ants P. wrote:

Hello everyone,

I would like to use attr_encrypted and to do this, I need to get my
fixtures singing that song.

I have this in my fixtures …

encrypted_email: <%= “#{Encryptor.encrypt(:value =>
[email protected]’, :key => ‘some secret key’)}” %>

Have you tried running that command in irb or Rails c, and pasting the
output into your YAML? Might be a useful test step.


On Aug 13, 10:50am, Ants P. [email protected] wrote:

YAML obviously doesn’t like the type of characters being produced
by Encryptor.encrypt because I’m getting the error …

a YAML error occurred parsing
/home/anthony/Development/websites/ruby/GMFT/trunk/test/fixtures/members.ym l.
Please note that YAML must be consistently indented using spaces. Tabs are
not allowed. Please have a look at

Does anyone know how I can escape those chars nicely to play with fixtures.
Wrapping the output in double quotes hasn’t worked as you can see.

You haven’t actually wrapped the output in double quotes - when erb
evaluates your <%= then those quotes on the inside go.
‘<%= … %>’
might do the trick. You should also escape any ’ or \ inside your


Thanks for your replies. I haven’t used ERB for ages and so forgot the

I think I’m going to have to shelve encrypting the email address as it
doesn’t play with Authlogic and I haven’t seen a way of encrypting the
address with Authlogic. I will look into this later, though.

Thanks again for the replies.
