If there is, I haven’t found it. I have though found a useful Regex
doing that. It’s a slightly modified version of the one used in Typo.
source code will go scavenged!] I know I might catch some flack for
doing so
but I choose to add this method to the String class itself, as I use it
class String
def strip_html(leave_whitespace = false)
name = /[\w:_-]+/
value = /([A-Za-z0-9]+|(’[^’]?’|"[^"]?"))/
attr = /(#{name}(\s*=\s*#{value})?)/
rx =
(leave_whitespace) ? self.gsub(rx, “”).strip : self.gsub(rx,
“”).gsub(/\s+/, " ").strip
Be aware, though, that there is stil a lot of HTML entities left in the
Textilized string. [™, etc.] Depending on your end use, you may
to strip those entities as well. Let me know if you do need that because
I’ve written some really handy code for it, completely based on what
transformations RedCloth does. You know, only make the server work as
as it has to.