Problems setting gmail mail


as attachment my problems concerning gmail Mailer errors in Rails. I
hope anyone can help me out with the problem?

If there is extra information needed, please tell me what you need more
to help me out of my problems!


If there is any extra information required, please notify me.
I am looking for this problem for several hours. I have been watching
hundreds of websites not finding what the problem is.

I really don’t know what the problem is now…

Am I doing something wrong in my code? This keeps me from my work in the
current project I am working on…


On 8 October 2012 11:41, Remi B. [email protected] wrote:


as attachment my problems concerning gmail Mailer errors in Rails. I
hope anyone can help me out with the problem?

If there is extra information needed, please tell me what you need more
to help me out of my problems!

I, for one, cannot read the text in the image. Please copy/paste the
relevant error and code here.


On 8 October 2012 21:22, Remi B. [email protected] wrote:


default from: “[email protected]

Don’t care if the mailer can’t send

  :content_type   => "text/html",
  :user_name      => '[email protected]',
  :password       => 'mypassword'


I have not done this myself but [1] suggests the authentication should
be :plain. There are other detail differences also.



So here is the error I get:


Errno::ECONNREFUSED in UsersController#create

app/controllers/users_controller.rb:47:in block in create' app/controllers/users_controller.rb:45:in create’


def create
@user =[:user])

respond_to do |format| <--- LINE 45 --->
    UserMailer.send_email(@user).deliver <--- LINE 47 -->
    format.html { redirect_to @user, notice: 'User was successfully

created.’ }
format.json { render json: @user, status: :created, location:
@user }
format.html { render action: “new” }
format.json { render json: @user.errors, status:
:unprocessable_entity }


class UserMailer < ActionMailer::Base
default from: “[email protected]

def send_email(user)
@user = user
mail(:to => “#{} <#{}>”, :subject =>


Don’t care if the mailer can’t send

config.action_mailer.raise_delivery_errors = true
config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :smtp
config.action_mailer.perform_deliveries = true

config.action_mailer.smtp_settings = {
:enable_starttls_auto => true,
:address => ‘’,
:port => 587,
:domain => ‘localhost:3000’,
:authentication => :login,
:content_type => “text/html”,
:user_name => ‘[email protected]’,
:password => ‘mypassword’

I hope I gave enough information!
If needed, please ask for more

Remi B. wrote in post #1079017:


I’ve copy/pasted the guides of rubyonrails itself already 3 or 4 times
to make sure there aren’t any differences.
I change a couple of things to look if that isn’t the problem. I’ve
(once again) tried the copy/paste and change to my settings.
The only thing I changed now is that I left away the :domain and the
:content_type. Toghether with a “plain” string, in stead of a :login

Could it be a firewall related problem?

In any case, thanks for the help :wink:

Friendly regards

I don’t know how it comes that I related the firewall with it, but I
sure found the problem:

My mcafee was blocking my ruby.exe file, it said this in my

10/8/2012 10:48:11 PM Blocked by port blocking rule
c:\Ruby193\bin\ruby.exe Anti-virus Standard Protection:Prevent mass
mailing worms from sending mail

So for all those who have this problem, look at your firewall or virus

I went to the exceptions and added ruby.exe to this list!

Hope I will help some other unfortunate too!


I’ve copy/pasted the guides of rubyonrails itself already 3 or 4 times
to make sure there aren’t any differences.
I change a couple of things to look if that isn’t the problem. I’ve
(once again) tried the copy/paste and change to my settings.
The only thing I changed now is that I left away the :domain and the
:content_type. Toghether with a “plain” string, in stead of a :login

Could it be a firewall related problem?

In any case, thanks for the help :wink:

Friendly regards

On Mon, Oct 8, 2012 at 4:09 PM, Remi B. [email protected] wrote:

So for all those who have this problem, look at your firewall or virus

Or use an OS that doesn’t require participation in the Microsoft virus
protection racket.

A firewall that runs any software except packet filtering isn’t a
firewall, it’s a false sense of security.

Greg D.

I’m no Windows fan but…

On Mon, Oct 8, 2012 at 10:23 PM, Greg D. [email protected] wrote:

Or use an OS that doesn’t require participation in the Microsoft virus
protection racket.

Because Mac’s don’t have Malware protection, oh wait, Apple just
doesn’t tell you that they have internal Malware protection and you
obviously missed the memo on other operating systems getting Malware
too but it’s fine, not all of us know how to read and not spew FUD.

A firewall that runs any software except packet filtering isn’t a
firewall, it’s a false sense of security.

Because Windows firewall doesn’t support packet filtering… Because
you can’t get another firewall? I mean, it’s so hard to find another
software Firewall that companies like ESET decided to no longer offer
them because… wel…l I mean you can’t disable Windows firewall and
use theirs… Right?

Take your jokes somewhere else, you’re not good at comedy.

On Mon, Oct 8, 2012 at 10:32 PM, Jordon B. [email protected]

Because Mac’s don’t have Malware protection, oh wait, Apple just
doesn’t tell you that they have internal Malware protection and you
obviously missed the memo on other operating systems getting Malware
too but it’s fine, not all of us know how to read and not spew FUD.

I never said anything about a Mac, but since you brought it up… is
that what you Dreamweaver programmers use these days?

Because Windows firewall doesn’t support packet filtering… Because
you can’t get another firewall? I mean, it’s so hard to find another
software Firewall that companies like ESET decided to no longer offer
them because… wel…l I mean you can’t disable Windows firewall and
use theirs… Right?

Sorry dude… you have me at a disadvantage. I don’t know much at all
about Windows except that it has something like 98343203993 entries on
Metasploit. Seems more than enough reason to stay away.

Take your jokes somewhere else, you’re not good at comedy.

I wasn’t trying to be funny.

It’s a choice to either participate in the virus protection racket, or

It’s a choice to do dumb shit like run firewall software on your
desktop OS, or not.

A firewall is a packet filter, that’s it, nothing more. If it’s
preventing something like Ruby from even starting up, it’s no longer a
firewall, it’s something else. So then call it something else. I
recommend “thing that is using all my spare ram and cpu 'cause I’m too
busy drinking the M$ koolaid to notice”.

Again, not trying to be funny at all.

Greg D.

On Mon, Oct 8, 2012 at 11:25 PM, Greg D. [email protected] wrote:

I never said anything about a Mac, but since you brought it up… is
that what you Dreamweaver programmers use these days?

Yup, because clearly Dreamweaver is available on Linux in a native
form. But a fail troll is fail, keep trying harder maybe one day
you’ll get more clever in your trolls.

Sorry dude… you have me at a disadvantage. I don’t know much at all
about Windows except that it has something like 98343203993 entries on
Metasploit. Seems more than enough reason to stay away.

So does Flash and Firefox (though I will not spew a random number that
makes it seem like it’s the worst thing in the world,) but people
still use them, everything has an exploit sometime, the difference
between good and bad is fixing it or leaving it open. I guess Linux
has never had an exploit, Mac has never had one, nobody but Windows
has ever had one.

I wasn’t trying to be funny. It’s a choice to either participate in the virus
protection racket, or not.

You’re right, it is a choice to choose to be a target or not. On that
subject, do you like to run into the middle of a gun range too and see
if you get hit with a bullet or not? If you don’t then will you
automatically label all guns as inaccurate and therefore worthless at
doing their principle job?

A firewall is a packet filter, that’s it, nothing more. If it’s
preventing something like Ruby from even starting up, it’s no longer a
firewall, it’s something else. So then call it something else. I
recommend “thing that is using all my spare ram and cpu 'cause I’m too
busy drinking the M$ koolaid to notice”.

Nice joke. Keep trying though.

Again, not trying to be funny at all.

Still coming off as a guy who is trying to be the next big comedian.
Dully note this is my last reply, I’m not in this to steal this guys
thread and it’s already bad enough I’ve replied twice, so I’m done
with replying so that I do not cluster a thread with more crap than I
already have.

If you have these restrictions of working with a enterprise virus scan
and you have to work with Windows as it is company policy, I don’t know
what discussion there has to be made concerning operating systems.

I didn’t want to start any of these discussions, I wanted to state
problems for whoever has the same issue (I don’t care if it is a windows
user, mac user, Linux,…) it is just that I want to bring up solutions
for people by stating and solving my own!

I think discussions between OS’s can go on for hours, it is just that
every operating system has its pros and its cons… but a lot of users
will be using windows with a virusscan on it that could block the mailer
from sending mails!