Problems referencing code in bundled gems

I’m working on my first gem and I’m having a problem referencing
dependencies. In my gem, I need to reference code from some other
custom gems we’ve developed.
We’ll call my Gem “test_company_models”. In my test_company_models
gem, I need to include PricingExtensions from our test_company_libs Gem.

I’m dynamically requiring my models in my test_company_models.rb this

Dir[File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '/test_company_models/*.rb')].each
do |file|
  # skip previously loaded files to avoid duplicate warnings
  next if File.basename(file, File.extname(file)) == 'version'
  require File.join( File.dirname(__FILE__),
"vst_models/#{File.basename(file, File.extname(file))}")

This works fine until I am pulling in a model which references
PricingExtensions from the test_company_libs Gem:

class CartItem < ActiveRecord::Base
  include PricingExtensions

Which gives me this error:

uninitialized constant CartItem::PricingExtensions

I’ve tried adding the test_company_libs Gem to my Gem in these two ways:


gem 'test_company_libs', :git =>
'[email protected]:test_company/test_company-libs.git', :require => false

and in the test_company_models.gemspec:

spec.add_runtime_dependency "test_company_libs"

In either case, I get the “uninitialized constant
CartItem::PricingExtensions” error.

Any idea as to what I am doing wrong?


On Friday, January 10, 2014 4:42:51 PM UTC, User wrote:

I’m working on my first gem and I’m having a problem referencing
dependencies. In my gem, I need to reference code from some other
custom gems we’ve developed.
We’ll call my Gem “test_company_models”. In my test_company_models
gem, I need to include PricingExtensions from our test_company_libs Gem.

If you need PricingExtensions then you need to require the file that
contains it. You could either do this only in the models that require
or another pattern would be for your test_company_libs gem to have a
test_company_libs.rb file which would require al the bits of that gem
are commonly used, so a person using the gem only has to do require
‘test_company_libs’ (and possibly not even that, since by default
would require that file for you)


Thanks for your help. I originally tried to include PriceExtensions
via require ‘pricing_extensions’ in test_company_libs.rb and kept
getting this:

`require’: cannot load such file – pricing_extensions

I should also mention that PricingExtensions is a module in the
test_company_libs Gem.

I just don’t get what I’m missing here.

pricing_extensions.rb lives in the test_company_libs which is added to
the test_company_models’s Gemfile:

gem ‘test_company_libs’, :git
=>‘[email protected]:test_company/test_company-libs.git’, :require => false

On Monday, January 13, 2014 7:57:42 PM UTC, User wrote:

`require’: cannot load such file – pricing_extensions

Where is pricing_extensions.rb?


Fred - pricing_extensions lives in the test_company_libs Gem’s
lib/tc_libs folder. I’m not sure how to add this to the ruby load path
and I’m a bit confused that I would have to because we use the
test_company_libs Gem in nearly every project we have and we don’t have
to ‘tweak’ anything to load the gemfiles.

Here’s the load paths from the tc_libs.rb in the test_company_libs Gem:

$:.unshift File.join(File.dirname(FILE), ‘tc_libs’)

module TestCompanyLibs

Dir[File.join(File.dirname(FILE), ‘/tc_libs/*.rb’)].each do |file|
next if File.basename(file, File.extname(file)) == ‘version’
require File.basename(file, File.extname(file))

On Thursday, January 16, 2014 3:21:25 PM UTC, User wrote:

Fred - pricing_extensions lives in the test_company_libs Gem’s
lib/tc_libs folder.

In that case you would do

require ‘tc_libs/pricing_extensions’


I initially tried that and got:

“`require’: cannot load such file”

My question is, does adding

gem ‘test_company_libs’, :git =>
[email protected]:test_company/test_company-libs.git’, :require => false

to the Gem’s Gemfile and doing a bundle install, ensure that gem’s code
can be referenced at runtime?

I should also point out that test_comany_lib’s PricingExtension is a

module PricingExtensions

On Tuesday, January 14, 2014 12:37:27 PM UTC, User wrote:

pricing_extensions.rb lives in the test_company_libs which is added to
the test_company_models’s Gemfile:

Where precisely? If require ‘pricing_extensions’ doesn’t work then it
sounds like it’s not in a folder on ruby’s load path. A gem’s lib folder
(but not sub directories thereof) is usually added to the load path


On Thursday, January 16, 2014 6:12:58 PM UTC, User wrote:

gem ‘test_company_libs’, :git =>

[email protected]:test_company/test_company-libs.git’, :require => false

to the Gem’s Gemfile and doing a bundle install, ensure that gem’s code

can be referenced at runtime?

I don’t think the gem’s Gemfile is used in this case - normally a gem’s
dependencies on other gems should be in your gemspec. Then in your app
you would add the above to the app’s Gemfile to say how the
test_company_libs gem should be found.


On Tuesday, January 21, 2014 3:46:04 PM UTC+1, User

spec.add_runtime_dependency “test_company-libs” #doesn’t work

In what way did it not work? You might also try adding both

gem ‘test_company-libs’, :git => ‘…’
gem ‘your other gem’, :git => ‘…’

to the application’s gemfile

and forget about formally declaring test_company-libs as a dependency of
your gem.


Sorry for falling off the map. Picking this up again and I’m stumped
on how to make this work.

I’ve tried to adding test_company-libs as a add_development_dependency
and also as a add_runtime_dependency and neither seem to solve the

spec.add_development_dependency “test_company-libs” #doesn’t work

spec.add_runtime_dependency “test_company-libs” #doesn’t work

Thanks again for all your help.