Problems integrating Nifty Corners Cube with Rails

I recently found the following JavaScript library Nifty Corners Cube
at Nifty Corners Cube - freedom to round.

I am having trouble integrating it with my rails application. I am
confident that it is loading properly in the page, but the effect of
rounding the corners doesn’t occur. I am not sure what the problem
may be. Maybe there is something with integrating the library into a
rails application since all the examples from the site are straight
html pages.

Has anyone had any success getting Nifty Corners Cube integrated into
a RoR appliation? Is there an alternative that is easier to integrate
and does the same rounding of

elements without the need for
small corner images?

Thanks in advance for any help.


PS Here is what I have done so far. I have delayed adding the style
to my stylesheet and using the javascript_include_tag() method to
include the JavaScript library until I see it work.

In my applicaiton.rhtml layout and in the section I have placed
this code

    <style type="text/css">
        body{padding: 20px;background: #FFF;color: #333;text-align: 

font:85%/1.45 “Lucida Sans Unicode”,“Lucida
h1,h2,p{margin: 0;padding: 0 10px}
p{padding: 0 10px 1em}
h1,h2{letter-spacing: -1px;font-weight:100;color: #111}
h1{font-size: 200%}
h2{font-size: 140%;line-height:1.05}
div#container{width:450px;margin: 0 auto;padding:10px
0;background: #BAFB80}
0;background:#DBCAEE }

Next, I placed in the section this

Nifty Corners

Auiiui uieiouo auuaa oiaue uaou iioiiou uiio a io ieeoai uaouoe uoiaau eeauauou u oiauuie eo ui.

Rounded corners without images

Aaeao aiieuouiu io ueuiieu uei oeio uooiau uue ooiea ooiaui eue ouue i uiaoo iouieiuia uueeo ieieuiiau ueaooa iou iaeieuo uoao iauoi u i oeioooe auo a ooe u uuuo oaooaae uoa iuiuiaeu iioaeu uuiu eeu ea eouoiuo ua o.

Iiuiuaea ouea ieuuio o eoo iaoa euiaou uoia uuei ua aoauia ieoae eioiaia eu uiueeiui ueuaiuo uaa eie oaeee uau ooieoi uoii oeuioei uouiiuu ioeiuoe eaeuoi.

Simple. Just Javascript and CSS.

Aoioeou eeeu ueeiuiii uoauiioi uae eoeoioe ouiui oieouoo uioo uaieeoe oe eouoiea a oou uiu.

jsmorris wrote:

Has anyone had any success getting Nifty Corners Cube integrated into
include the JavaScript library until I see it work.
h1{font-size: 200%}
alert(“oload catched: now nifty corners are ready to round!”);

uuei ua aoauia ieoae eioiaia eu uiueeiui ueuaiuo uaa eie oaeee uau ooieoi uoii oeuioei uouiiuu ioeiuoe eaeuoi.

Simple. Just Javascript and CSS.

Aoioeou eeeu ueeiuiii uoauiioi uae eoeoioe ouiui oieouoo uioo uaieeoe oe eouoiea a oou uiu.

I haven’t used this library at all, but my guess is that you need to
call ‘NiftyLoad’ or ‘Nifty(somediv)’ at some point after they have been

Probably something like this at the end should work…

<%= javascript_tag ‘Nifty(“div#nav”,“big”);’ %>

Kevin…thanks for the help…

I was worried about that too, so I modified my script tag to be
something like

I see the alert box before and after Nifty(), but Nifty never seems to
do what it says it should do…However, if I copy the same code into
just a regular html examples it works.

When I do refresh the page, I see a small movement of the text on my
page, but no rounded corners.

Is there a difference between hand coding the element
compared to the <%= javascript_tag %>?