I have followed the instruction for installing UHD from source to USRP
I have also installed the latest images (as of 1/22/2011).
the benchmark_rx_rate command gives me the following (see attachement at
the end of the email.)
I am worried about the warning and also about all the errors i get.
ANy help will be greatly appreciated.
usrp-e1xx:/home/anastas/uhd/host/build/examples# ./benchmark_rx_rate
Exception in static block load_modules
basic_string::_S_construct NULL not valid
linux; GNU C++ version 4.5.2 20101204 (prerelease); Boost_104100;
Creating the usrp device with: …
Opening USRP-E on /dev/usrp_e0
Loading FPGA image: /usr/share/uhd/images/usrp_e100_fpga.bin… done = 1
File name - /usr/share/uhd/images/usrp_e100_fpga.bin
Configuration complete.
re-Opening USRP-E on /dev/usrp_e0
Using Device: Single USRP:
Device: usrp-e device
Mboard: usrp-e mboard
RX DSP: usrp-e ddc0
RX Channel: 0
RX Dboard: usrp-e dboard (rx unit)
RX Subdev: XCVR2450 (0x0061)
TX DSP: usrp-e duc0
TX Channel: 0
TX Dboard: usrp-e dboard (tx unit)
TX Subdev: XCVR2450 (0x0060)
Testing receive rate 0.500000 Msps (10.000000 second run)
Error (usrp-e recv pirate loop): bad vrt header or invalid packet length
Metadata missing time spec, exit test…
Testing receive rate 1.000000 Msps (10.000000 second run)
OMetadata missing time spec, exit test…
Testing receive rate 2.000000 Msps (10.000000 second run)
Metadata missing time spec, exit test…
Testing receive rate 4.000000 Msps (10.000000 second run)
Error code: 1
Unexpected error on recv, exit test…
Testing receive rate 8.000000 Msps (10.000000 second run)
Error code: 1
Unexpected error on recv, exit test…
Testing receive rate 16.000000 Msps (10.000000 second run)
Error code: 1
Unexpected error on recv, exit test…
Testing receive rate 32.000000 Msps (10.000000 second run)
Error code: 1
Unexpected error on recv, exit test…
Testing receive rate 64.000000 Msps (10.000000 second run)
Error code: 1
Unexpected error on recv, exit test…
The hardware does not support the requested RX sample rate:
Target sample rate: 128.000000 MSps
Actual sample rate: 64.000000 MSps