Problems installing Rails

I have spent hours today trying to install Rails with PostgreSQL. All i
get is error after error. I have so many questions that im not even sure
what is working and what isnt. I will just demonstrate creating a new
project step by step and ask questions on the way. I will ask the
questions from you one by one and hope that you have the kindness and
are willing to help me.

stenver@stenver-ThinkPad-T400:~/projekt$ ruby -v
ruby 1.8.7 (2010-08-16 patchlevel 302) [i686-linux]
stenver@stenver-ThinkPad-T400:~/projekt$ gem -v
stenver@stenver-ThinkPad-T400:~/projekt$ rake -v
Loaded suite
Finished in 0.124367 seconds.

  1. Error:
    LoadError: no such file to load – sqlite3

  2. Error:
    LoadError: no such file to load – sqlite3

1 tests, 0 assertions, 0 failures, 2 errors

What does this error mean and what has rake got to do with sqlite3? Im
not interested in sqlite3, im interested in postgresql.


What OS are you running? seems like a Linux??

Could you post a list of the installed gems (gem list) ?

In case postgres gem is installed check your PATH variable if it points
to the Postgres installation.

Just type echo $PATH

Also verify that the database.yml lists the correct driver for the
environment you use.
