I keep getting errors with this simple ftp script. Real names and
passwords have been changed to protect the innocent. I just need to send
the input files to the ftp target without the extensions they have.
Thanks for any help.
1 require ‘net/ftp’
2 require ‘FileUtils’
3 Dir.chdir(“E:/workflows/graphics/out/ps2k/100dpi”)
4 ArborTextfiles = Dir.glob(“*.100”)
5 ArborTextfiles.each do |file100|
6 #file100.to_s
7 ftp = Net::FTP.open(‘quack.bna.com’) do |ftp|
8 ftp.login(‘xxxxx’,‘xxxxx’)
9 ftp.chdir(‘/xxx/graphics/tiff_100_dpi’)
10 ftp.putbinaryfile(file100.sub(“.100”,“”))
11 end
12 end
These are the errors I get:
E:/live/RUBY/lib/ruby/1.8/net/ftp.rb:556:in initialize': No such file or direct ory - test303 (Errno::ENOENT) from E:/live/RUBY/lib/ruby/1.8/net/ftp.rb:556:in putbinaryfile’
from e:/live/scripts/ruby/ftp/ArborTextimages2quack.rb:9
from E:/live/RUBY/lib/ruby/1.8/net/ftp.rb:115:in `open’
from e:/live/scripts/ruby/ftp/ArborTextimages2quack.rb:6
from e:/live/scripts/ruby/ftp/ArborTextimages2quack.rb:5
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Thanks a lot, Jamey. I used the latter. Now, what if I want to remove
the file after I’ve ftp’d it? The variable “file100” wouldn’t apply
anymore, so, could I do a FileUtils.rm with the same File.basename
string as the ftp?
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Uh, I figured it out. Thanks, Jamey. I realized that “file100” was still
perfectly valid for the original filenames, so, I didn’t need anything
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