Problems building

I am trying to install gnuradio on Arch but I am having issues with
qtgui and pfb_clock_sync. I use qt so I need to get this figured out.

Any ideas?

The following tests FAILED:
130 - qa_pfb_clock_sync (Failed)
166 - qa_qtgui (Failed)

151 130/179 Testing: qa_pfb_clock_sync
3152 130/179 Test: qa_pfb_clock_sync
3153 Command: “/usr/bin/sh”
3154 Directory:
3155 “qa_pfb_clock_sync” start time: Nov 09 03:08 EST
3156 Output:
3157 ----------------------------------------------------------
3158 .F

3160 FAIL: test02 (main.test_pfb_clock_sync)

3162 Traceback (most recent call last):
3163 File
line 139, in test02
3164 self.assertComplexTuplesAlmostEqual(expected_result, dst_data,
3165 File
line 74, in assertComplexTuplesAl mostEqual
3166 self.assertComplexAlmostEqual (a[i], b[i], places, msg)
3167 File
line 47, in assertComplexAlmostEq ual
3168 (msg or ‘%s != %s within %s places’ % (first, second,
places ))
3169 AssertionError: 1 != -1.0000078678131104 within 1 places

3172 Ran 2 tests in 0.029s
3174 FAILED (failures=1)
3175 Using Volk machine: sse4_2_64_orc
3177 Test time = 0.64 sec
3178 ----------------------------------------------------------
3179 Test Failed.
3180 “qa_pfb_clock_sync” end time: Nov 09 03:08 EST
3181 “qa_pfb_clock_sync” time elapsed: 00:00:00


3896 166/179 Testing: qa_qtgui
3897 166/179 Test: qa_qtgui
3898 Command: “/usr/bin/sh”
3899 Directory:
3900 “qa_qtgui” start time: Nov 09 03:08 EST
3901 Output:
3902 ----------------------------------------------------------
line 7: 25505 Segmentation fault (core d umped)
/usr/bin/python2 -B
3905 Test time = 0.42 sec
3906 ----------------------------------------------------------
3907 Test Failed.
3908 “qa_qtgui” end time: Nov 09 03:08 EST
3909 “qa_qtgui” time elapsed: 00:00:00

On Sat, Nov 9, 2013 at 3:13 AM, Jeff S. [email protected] wrote:

3152 130/179 Test: qa_pfb_clock_sync
3161 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
3169 AssertionError: 1 != -1.0000078678131104 within 1 places
3180 “qa_pfb_clock_sync” end time: Nov 09 03:08 EST
3907 Test Failed.
3908 “qa_qtgui” end time: Nov 09 03:08 EST
3909 “qa_qtgui” time elapsed: 00:00:00

There were quite a few recent changes to both. But when posting
problems like this, please provide:

  • The version and architecture of the OS (32- or 64-bit)
  • The version or git commit of GNU Radio you are working off of
  • With qtgui issues, the version of Qt and Qwt you are using

I’m trying this myself on various Linux VMs I have, both 64 and 32
bit, and not coming up with similar issues.


On Sat, Nov 9, 2013 at 8:28 AM, Tom R. [email protected] wrote:

151 130/179 Testing: qa_pfb_clock_sync
3160 FAIL: test02 (main.test_pfb_clock_sync)
3168 (msg or ‘%s != %s within %s places’ % (first, second, places ))
3179 Test Failed.
3899 Directory:
3906 ----------------------------------------------------------

  • With qtgui issues, the version of Qt and Qwt you are using

I’m trying this myself on various Linux VMs I have, both 64 and 32
bit, and not coming up with similar issues.


Found a system that has the problems you described. The pfb_clock_sync
seems to be intermittent. It’s locking at two different points and so
is off by 1. That’s not a huge problem, though it shouldn’t be

The qtgui issue looks like it’s with the qtgui.sink_c and qtgui.sink_f
blocks. Everything else works fine. Working on a fix now.


On Sat, Nov 9, 2013 at 8:50 AM, Tom R. [email protected] wrote:

3159 ======================================================================
line 47, in assertComplexAlmostEq ual
3178 ----------------------------------------------------------


3905 Test time = 0.42 sec

  • The version or git commit of GNU Radio you are working off of
    is off by 1. That’s not a huge problem, though it shouldn’t be

The qtgui issue looks like it’s with the qtgui.sink_c and qtgui.sink_f
blocks. Everything else works fine. Working on a fix now.


Ok, fixed it. The qtgui problem was really only a problem if we didn’t
define the qApplication outside of a block, which is almost never the
case, so most applications would have been fine. But they changed a
few rules on me on how we have to treat that object. It’s explained
more in the git commit and in comments in the constructors of the
qtgui sinks.

The pfb_clock_sync issue was mostly due to being too loose in one of
the parameters. I fixed the damping factor so we are now critically
damped (previously, it was seriously over-damped) and so convergence
is faster. I think there might have also been a small flaw in the
set_history value for the _fff version of the block (which is where
the failures were occurring).

Things should be behaving properly for you now. Thanks for the bug
