I have a problem writing a record generated with FasterCSV to a file:
This is the code:
op = File.new(“C:/Test/testmap.csv”, “w”)
for i in 0 … n
for j in 0 … 12
custrecord[j] = x[i,j]
csv_string = FasterCSV.generate_line(custrecord)
csv_string.gsub!(/,/, ‘;’)
op.puts csv_string
The result in folder Test is: testmap.csv --> 0Kb!! (Type CSV file)
Only part of it - you haven’t shown what sort of object custrecord is,
for example.
op = File.new(“C:/Test/testmap.csv”, “w”)
for i in 0 … n
for j in 0 … 12
custrecord[j] = x[i,j]
STDERR.puts “custrecord = #{custrecord.inspect}”
csv_string = FasterCSV.generate_line(custrecord)
csv_string.gsub!(/,/, ';')
op.puts csv_string
The result in folder Test is: testmap.csv → 0Kb!! (Type CSV file)
That STDERR line will tell you whether custrecord contains what you
expect. If not, work backwards until you find the problem (e.g. look at
what’s in x)
There are simpler ways to drive fastercsv than your code though. Try
require ‘rubygems’
require ‘fastercsv’
FasterCSV.open(“/tmp/test.csv”, “w”, :col_sep=>“;”) do |csv|
custrecord = [“foo”,“bar”,“baz”]
csv << custrecord
The documentation for fastercsv is within the code, which may be
installed somewhere like …/gems/fastercsv-1.4.0/lib/faster_csv.rb on
your system.
Many thanks for your suggestion to use the inspect method. That revealed
a ‘beginners’ program error.
After having made the correction I applied your solution, and it made
the code simpler. And what’s more important: It works!
Here is the code snippet:
FasterCSV.open(“c:/Test/test.csv”, “w”, :col_sep=>";") do |csv|
for i in 0 .. n
for j in 0 .. 12
klantrecord[j] = x[i,j]
csv << klantrecord
Best regards,
Brian C. schreef:
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