Hi all,
When I try to save a form with two collection_select I get this error:
ActiveRecord::AssociationTypeMismatch in InscripcionController#create
Profesion expected, got String
I think that the relationship between elements is well defined, but in
this case I have two relationships leading to the same table (one for
the father and one for the mother):
class Profesion < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :titulars_padre, :class_name=> “Titular”, :foreign_key =>
has_many :titulars_madre, :class_name=> “Titular”, :foreign_key =>
class Titular < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :alumnos
belongs_to :profesion_padre, :class_name=> “Profesion”, :foreign_key
=> “profesion_padre_id”
belongs_to :profesion_madre, :class_name=> “Profesion”, :foreign_key
=> “profesion_madre_id”
I get the error when the execution reach this point:
The params of the request are:
Parameters: {“commit”=>“Create”, “titular”=>{“profesion_padre”=>“10”,
Thanks in advance